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4 weeks later......

" any news" Alondra asked Angelica while there on lunch break.

" nope, and honestly I wouldn't have been mad at him just vanishing, but the fact that he didn't even get Marcus on the days he was supposed to is what got me mad" Angelica says annoyed and angry at the same time.

It's been weeks since the fight between Angelica and Rio, and weeks since Angelica seen Rio. She wasn't mad at the fact that he left , it was the fact that he left without saying anything or taking the days that he was supposed to be with Marcus but didn't show up, and for Angelica seeing Marcus face when his dad didn't show up made her feel anger that she never felt before.

" you should go see if he's at his house, because he couldn't just have left and leave everything has here" Alondra suggested.

" you know what your right after work I'm going straight to his house and I'm going to tell him how it is " Angelica says confidently. Knowing Marcus already had a  ride to practice.

" please if he is there don't get caught up into his lies and sorrys like you always do" Alondra says making Angelica roll her eyes.

" I won't I actually have some class now, I'm a working women now who his working on the difference between sexual frustration and being angry in general. So I think I'm good" Angelica says confidently.

" okay we'll I gotta go while you get your butt down to his house and try to figure out what's happening with him" Alondra says getting up and hugging Angelica.

" I'll call you if anything" Angelica says while walking to leave the building.

Okay so i know I suck at updating but I've been reading some good books lately and yeah SORRY but I will be updating more and thank you all so much on the support yall given me 🤍✨

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