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2 years ago

"are you sure this is cute" Alondra says coming out of the dressing room.

"yes bitch, it shapes your body really well get it" Angelica says.

" okay,okay ill get it" Alondra says making Angelica laugh.

"i need to stop coming into this store some how I end up getting everything. Angelica says with a huff.

They always go to the mall every other weekend, they don't even know why its just a habit i guess and for Angelica "Victoria Secret" is by far her favorite store to stop at.

" the only reason you get it is because you look hot in everything girl" Alondra tells her making Angelica roll her eyes.

But its true, shes the embodiment of perfect. perfect, face,body,hair,everything and she hates it because ever since she was little everybody always told her she was perfect and it made her feel like she needed to be. Even when her and Christopher started dating people were intimated by them because they were and still are in peoples eyes the perfect couple who will have beautiful babies.

"tomorrow I have to pick Marcus up from my grandmothers " Angleica says has they walk out of the store.

Marcus, was and will always be Angelica and Christopher first priority they always make sure he came first no matter what it is. That is why people in their lives loved so much because no matter what happens they all new they would always stick together.

"Speaking about him, how are you and Rio" Alondra asked knowing that things aren't the same between them.

"Um, we haven't had a full conversation with each other in like 3 days. The only time we actually talk to each other is if we are with Marcus but beside that we haven't talked" Angelica answers.

"Damn girl and he hasn't been in the house" Alondra asks.

"Nope but I think Marcus is starting to notice he's been asking me where he is and I have to make up a lie because I honestly don't even know where he is" she tells her best friend has they walk out of the mall to the car.

"Do you think he's cheating" the best friend ask in curiosity making Angelica heart stop.

" now that we're talking about it, it would make sense right like he's been MIA only comes back in the morning to be their when Marcus wakes up leaves right when he goes to bed"Angelica says now making herself panic.

"No he wouldn't do that" she says to herself.

"Do you have his location on your phone just check where he is I doubt he's cheating" Alondra says trying to make it better.

"Your right let me check"

"He's at the Lincoln hotel it says" Angelica reads out loud and now she's really panicking.

" it's probably for work right like he's probably beating someone up for taking money or something right" her best friend says trying to make things better.

"Get ready bitch we are going to figure that out" Angelica says has she gets out of the parking space and speeds to the hotel.

🌝 so yeahhhhh.

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