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"Marcus" Angelica yelled from the kitchen

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"Marcus" Angelica yelled from the kitchen. As she was putting eggs on the plate .

"Coming" she heard from upstairs , right as she see's little feet running down the stairs.

" okay so this is the plan, your dad will bring you to school, and bring you to practice and then after practice I'll pick you up, okay." She says as she puts the plate of food in-front of her son and watches as he sits on the chair in the island table.

"Okay, when's daddy coming anyway". Marcus ask while grabbing his fork and looking at his mom.

"Let me check, but right now all you have to focus on is eating." She replies as she stares at him sternly.

Once Marcus starts eating, Angelica makes her way to her phone and dials her "ex husbands"number. It rings for a while until he finally picks up.

" I know, I know, I'm on my way" The man says. Making Angelica roll her eyes .

"Okay, but please hurry Rio, I have to get to work". She says into the phone in an irritated voice.

"Okay bye" he's says making Angelica sight and hang up.

"Your father is on his way, please remind him that he is dropping you off at practice papa." She says to her son while he finishes eating.

But before he can answer the front door opens and reveals Rio walking towards the kitchen.

"Daddy" Marcus says while hopping off the chair and running to hug his dad.

" hey little man" Rio says as he hugs back.

"Here you go" Angelica says handing Rio Marcus's bag.

" go put your shoes on papa's" she says to her son. Watching as he run to his shoes.

"Remember that you have to bring him to practice and I'll pick him up" she says to Rio as she looks back at him.

"I can see what I can do because I have to meet up with some people who as something for." Rio says as he stares at Angelica seeing that she has a pissed off look at her face.

" are you serious, please tell me your joking. I literally told you that you had to pick him from school and bring him to practice yesterday." She says to him in an annoyed tone while staring at him.

"I'll pick him up I promise you don't have to worry" Rio says to her in reassurance.

"Okay I'm ready" Marcus says running to his parents.

"I love you so much, and please don't argue with your teacher I don't want another call  from the school" Angelica says hugging her son and giving him a kiss on his head.

"Okay" Marcus responds while rolling his eyes. Making Rio chuckle

"Please don't forget to pick him up" she tells Rio , making him look at her up and down before answering.

" I won't forget I promise" he says while leaning his head forward, while Marcus grabbed his bag.

"Rio, you know I can't kiss you"Angelica says staring at Rio's lips.

"Well I'm not leaving until I get a kiss so it's either this or we wait" he says with a smirk.

"Fine" she groans while leaning in and kissing his lips but instead of a peck , Rio pulled Adriana closer to him and what was supposed to be an innocent kiss turns into a make out session.

"Um can we go now" Marcus ask looking out the door, making Rio and Angelica pull apart.

" yes you guys can. Please do not forget to pick him up" Angelica says to Rio as she wipes lip gloss off his lips.

"I won't I promise" Rio says as he pecks her lips one more time and grabs Marcus's hand.

" bye baby love you" Angelica tells her son as they left.

With that Angelica put on her Burgundy scrubs and black Nike sneakers and left for work.

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