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Angelica POV

After about 3 more rounds they decided to finally go to sleep. It was actually Angelica's decision because she started getting sore and when she went to the bathroom she could barely even walk.

"This is torture" Angelica groans. Feeling the pain through her legs every time she would move to get comfortable.

"At least you know I'm hitting it right" Rio joked with a grin. While Angelica glared at him.

" ha ha so fucking funny" she says with a sarcastic tone.

"Alright, I'll stop" He says with the grin still plastered on his face but eyes now closed. Has he begins to wrap his arm around her waist and pull her to him.

"We need to stop doing this" Angelica whispers but loud enough for Rio to hear.

"I don't see why though, we already have everything built for us" Rio says in an annoyed tone.

" you know exactly why we can't do that" she's says has she turns to look at him.

" I did one fucking thing, and now we shouldn't do this" Rio questions in a offensive tone.

"It's not about that, it's about trust, and right now I don't trust you" Angelica says in a calm tone.

"Wow trust, so Rio does one thing and he's the bad guy, but god forbid Angelica does it and all is forgiven" he says while getting up and putting clothes on.

" are you fucking serious, like cmon now if I did what you did would I even be here would that person still be here roaming around like a fucking lost puppy" Angelica says in a now serious tone.

" THAT WAS FUCKING TWO YEARS AGO, GET OVER IT" He yelled making Angelica look at him in shock.

" and what happened two years ago after it happened ? I left your ass but you couldn't get it through your head that we were done because to you it was a mistake that and I quote " won't ever happen again" but it did and I was FUCKING PREGNANT so yeah I don't trust you but if your willing to wait until you've proven to me that I can trust you then hey be my guest come here fucking butt naked for all I care but until then bye" Angelica says from the bed getting ready to go to sleep not caring if Rio left.

" okay, don't call me when something happens only contact me if it has anything to do with our son" he responds while grabbing the door Handel and slamming the door making Angelica jump.

Angelica heard the front door open and close. Right then and there all she could do is think what she did to deserve this why was she always the one being blamed and torn down because someone can't face the fact that they are not always right, but she just takes it because that's all she can do.

Sorry y'all I haven't been posting but I will be more since it's summer and I have nothing else to do so yeah! Thank you all for the support love y'all 🤍

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