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" lets go to the bar and get some drinks" Alondra says as they walk inside the club

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" lets go to the bar and get some drinks" Alondra says as they walk inside the club.

dragging her best friend to the bar Alondra notices two guys already staring at the two girls, So taking notice of this She calls them over.

"girl act natural two cute guys are coming our way" she says fixing her hair while Angelica rolls her eyes and continues to sip her drink.

" what are you two beautiful women doing here" one of the guys say making Angelica scoff not wanting anything to do with these two randoms.

"What does it look like" Angelica says with a hint of attitude.

"well it looks like you two ladies need another drink, especially you" one of the guys says to Angelica.

"Nah i'm good" Angelica tells the man has she gets up from her seat and drags her friend along with her to the other side of the club.

"girl your being a party pooper, i get that your still stuck on Rio but you don't have to be a bitch to every man you come in contact with" Alondra says making Angelica head snap.

This was very common for Alondra to say , Angelica never knew why but ever since she got married , Alondra always tried to tell Angelica why Rio would never stay loyal to her and how he was just going to cheat and use her for his own benefit.

"bitch you better be joking, i have no idea whats been up with you lately but ever since i told you me and Chris fucked you've been giving me the cold shoulder and i don't fuck with that. So ima go to the bathroom while you fix this attitude of yous" Angelica says.

As she makes her way to the bathroom she notice one of the guys from the bar come out of the men's restroom.

" hey gorgeous" the guy calls out from behind her, making Angelica stop dead in her tracks and turn around,he's now standing in front of her.

"is there a problem" She asked him with a raised eyebrow .

"no,no not at all just admiring how beautiful you are" the guy tells her making the women eye role.

"well excuse me but i really need to go to the bathroom" she says trying to go around the guy but he corners her, and now shes pressed up against the wall.

"I'll do anything to fuck you" the man says bluntly.

"your so sweet...but No" She says with a smirk has she walks past him.

About 5 minutes later , Angelica decided to call an uber home because Alondra left to go fuck some dude so she left Angelica behind .

As soon has she got home she took off the luxury dress and tosses it on the floor, she then continues to walk into her walk in closet to grab some fresh pair of clothes. Now laying down not knowing what to do she realizes its already 3 am and she should probably go to sleep. But before she did she made sure to text Alondra to see if she was fine, after about 5 minutes she gets a text back from the women saying "i'm fine leave me alone" making Angelica roll her eyes and doze off.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2023 ⏰

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