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Right when Angelica got to Rio's loft she unlocked the door with her key that she had for a long time and entered the house.  Once, she walked in she seen the envelope on the table and strolled her way through the front door to the table.

As she grabs the envelope she sees a bunch of pictures of three women walking. Confused she grabs the pictures and sees that one of the photos is Rio and one of the women in the picture.

"What the hell" Angelica whispers as she picks at all the photo's, until she stops at one that caught her eye.

It was one of Rio and a strawberry blonde women going into a bathroom bar together.

"Ew" Angelica says with a disgusted facial expression as she threw the pictures on the table and grabbed the envelope.

As soon as she locked the door she seen Mick standing in front of her car waiting for her.

"Here you go" she says handing him the envelope, before getting in her car.

" hey Mick, who are those women he's working with" she asked him.

" they are three suburban mothers who robbed a grocery store, but took our money instead, they are working for us now" Mick tells her while looking at her as she nods .

" is something going on with Rio and that red head"  she asked him feeling like something is happening Between them.

" if I told you, I don't think you'll like the answer" Mick says with a sympathetic face, making Angelica nod .

" okay well, please tell him to call me when he gets out" she said to Mick, watching as he nods she drove off.

As she was driving she looked at the time and remembered that she had to pick Marcus up, but while she drove to his practice she started to call her grandmother.

" hola mama" she says to her grandmother who picked up the phone.

" hola mi amor, lo que dudas" her grandmother says in a sweet voice making Angelica smile.

"Nada, ahora mismo, but mama yo puedo traer Marcus a tu casa por favor."(nothing , right now, but mama can I bring Marcus to your house please) Angelica asked her grandmother.

" sí tu puedes" (yes you can) she says to Angelica.

"Okay gracia, te amo" ( thank you. , love you ) Angelica says before hanging up, now that she's at Marcus's practice. When she gets out of the car she's sees Marcus walking up to her.

"Hi mommy" he says as he gives her a hug .

" hi baby, how was practice" she asked hugging him back.

" it was good but I'm tired now" he says with a yawn.

" I know you are, but I'm bringing you to grandmas house because she wants to see you and you'll spend the weekend there okay" Angelica tells him as she helps him put on his seatbelt.

" yay I like grandmas cooking, but what about dad where is he" Marcus asked Angelica who was now driving.

" your dad is doing something right now he told me but he says he'll see you as soon as possible" she said to him with a smile.

After 5 minutes driving they made it to her grandmother house. As she parks the car she sees the grandmother out side and that's when Marcus takes off his seatbelt and runs to her.

" thank you again mama, bye Marcus love you" Angelica waves good bye as she sees them go inside. Now heading back home.

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