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"you wanna go in now, or wait a couple more minutes''Alondra says looking at Angelica who is obviously scared to see if the love of her life is in their.

"yeah, no lets go in" Angelica tells her has she grabs her keys and phone and hopping out the car. 

walking  into the hotel the two girls go up to the front desk. Alondra noticing her best friend cant speak right now, so she ask the person in the front desk if a person named Christopher booked a reservation.

"um yeah room 116 is where he is, are ya'll friends of his" the person in the front desk ask.

"yeah he told us to get a key from the front desk so we can just go in" Alondra says clearly not wanting to look suspicious.

"of course here you go" the person gives them the key and the two leave.

"I bet you 50 bucks hes not doing anything with another women, lets not overthink it okay"Alondra tells her has they go into the elevator and presses the button to the 1 floor.  

"your right were probably overthinking it" Angelica says trying to think positive.

The moment of truth is now with that key that is in her hand, Once she opens the door is when her whole life flashed before her eyes. The man she loved and thought he loved her pounding into another women. 

"oh my god" she hears Alondra whisper in disbelief.

As if time freezes Angelica makes eye contact with Christopher , the man that vowed through sickness and in health,to love and cherish,till death do them part, having sex with another women. The worst part is she couldn't even form words because she was shocked that he would do this to her. 

"Angelica" he says pulling out of the girl who was confused and then when it churned her scared.

"are you fucking kidding me right now" Angelica says looking back and forth between Chris and the women.

"Are You Fucking Kidding Me Right Now" she yells.

"get out, Get the fuck out before i lose my shit because its obvious the way your looking at me that you new he was married. so get the fuck out'' Angelica tells the women who shuffles to grab her clothes and runs out of the room. 

Not knowing what to do Alondra steps out of the room to trying to give them some privacy.

"Angelica-" before he can finish what he was going to say Angelica slaps him.

"what the fuck did I do to deserve this" she calmly says, and everyone knows if Angelica is mad and speaks calmly its game over. 

Out of know where , a lamp gets thrown at him but he dodges it and that got her even more angry now throwing everything in her view until he grabs her arms and stops her.

"get off of me you asshole, i fucking hate you , i hate you,i fucking hate you" she screams out a sob. 

Still having nothing to say he just stares at her.

"If your not home in 20 minutes all your shit is getting thrown out and i want you gone, i don't want to see or speak to you ever again and be expecting papers being sent to you because i'm done Rio" She tells him while getting up and walking to the door. 

Rio, was something he never expected her to call him ever again that was the name that everybody would fear. It wasn't until they actually started dating when she stopped calling him that and to him that was everything  because he new she wasn't scared of him, but hearing the name come back is what shattered his heart.

walking out of the room she walks to the elevator with her best friend behind her and she just breaks down into her arms wondering what she did to deserve this. 

"you owe me 50 bucks" she tells Alondra who is holding her.

"I know" she tells her with sympathy.

okay so yeah, now we know why they aren't "together" anymore.

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