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"you owe me a TV" Rio says has he enters the house.

"good morning to you too" Angelica says has she rolls her eyes.

"you could've smashed anything else, but no the TV is what you went for" he says walking towards her.

"its technically your fault don't have a bat near the TV" Angelica says while starting the dishes.

Rio rolls his eyes and begins walking to Marcus room to help him get ready.

The thing about Angelica is she can always say how bad Rio was in their relationship weather it was cheating or how they would always argue. But she will never say how bad of a parent he was to Marcus because he was always their. Weather it was the middle of the night or the ass crack of dawn he was always their providing for them with whatever they needed. Some might always ask why she never fully left him and she would always say "its hard leaving someone who you always loved because you both know once one of you moved on then that love has vanished.

"why did you change the lock" Angelica asked with curiosity has she finishes the dishes and starts to helps Marcus tie his shoes.

"about that, where are your key's " Rio says while looking for her keys.

"right here why" Angelica gives him a questioning, has he grabs them from her hand.

" don't lose this like you lost the other ones" hes says while hooking a key to her lanyard.

"that was two times relax" she says annoyed.

"two times two many" he says has he kisses her temple and walks out the front door with Marcus.

"how come i can never stay mad at him" Angelica mumbles has she grabs her purse and heads out.

Maybe in a perfect world they would still be together, but even if that was the case they would still be hated because to them they will always be each others person. But to others they were the most ruthless and awful human beings to ever exist

I promise I will post a lot more, and I k ow this chapter is short but bear with me. 🖤

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