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WARNING:⚠️Sexual Content ⚠️When Angelica got home the first thing she did was finish cleaning, and that's her routine

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⚠️Sexual Content ⚠️
When Angelica got home the first thing she did was finish cleaning, and that's her routine. Wake up for work, get Marcus up for school, eat breakfast, have Rio come Pick Marcus up, Rio steals a kiss from her even thought he knows it's wrong, go to work, pick up Marcus from practice, go home and pick the house up.

"Finally" she huffs now being down cleaning. As she makes her way to her bedroom she hears the front door open, confused she checks who opened the door to find Rio closing the door behind him.

" what are you doing here, Marcus is at my grandmothers house" Angelica says as she heads back to her room with Rio following behind her.

" I know I talked to your grandmother, just came to show you I'm okay just a little bit bruised up" he says making Angelica turn around and look at his face to see small bruises.

"I'll get a cloth to cleans it up" she told him as she started walking to the bathroom and grabbed a white cloth from under the sink, as Rio lays down on her bed with his eyes closed and legs dangle off the edge.

"Get up please, so I can clean your face" Angelica says looking at Rio who didn't budge. So she had to do something that she regretted and that was climbing on top of him so she was now straddling him.

" I like this position" Rio says has is hands go onto Angelica's hips.

"Do not get to comfortable because once I'm done your out of here"she tells him as she is cleaning is bruise.

""What happened anyway" she ask Rio as she was dapping his forehead with the cloth and he was massaging her hips.

"I paid a visit to the person who rated me out but instead of seeing them, i seen there husband so after our little altercation I tied him to a chair and shot him In front of her" he said looking into Angelica's eyes.

What Rio said made sense to Angelica but for some reason it seem like he was leaving parts of that story out.

"Oh is that all" she asked as she was done cleaning up his minor wounds.

Making Rio look at her in a confused facial expression.

"Yeah, why wouldn't it be" he says as they are now making eye contact.

"Oh no just asking, but I'm all done so you can go now" Angelica says as she gets off his lap and starts moving to her closet.

" but I'm so lonely at my house" he says as he walks in the closet and leans on the door way.

"That's not my problem, now go because ima take a shower". Angelica says grabbing a pair of shorts and a bralette As she walks to the bathroom.

" let me join you" Rio says walking in the bathroom with Angelica.

"Omg you literally make me want to fall off a building, no you are not joining me. You know where the door is leave" Angelica says turning the water on and taking off her shirt.

"Okay" was all he says making Angelica think that he left, until she seen him take his clothes off and hop in the shower.

" are you serious right now" she ask him as she is in her under wear and bra, looking at him through the glass shower.

" you coming in" Rio asked washing his body, making Angelica huff in annoyances, but proceeded to take her bra and underwear off and hoped in the shower.

After putting soap on her body and washing herself she decided that it was time to get out. But before she could do that she felt a Hand wrapped around her neck and now she was facing Rio.

Looking down at his lips then his eyes,she can see he's doing the same thing. Until he pulls her in more so their lips connected. Moving their lips in sync Angelica moves her hands to the side of Rio's face, As Rio moves his hand from Angelica neck to the bottom of her butt and picks her up against the glass shower wall.

From kissing her lips to now moving down her jaw and neck, Angelica head is on the glass wall feeling the tingling sensation happening with the kisses that Rio is leaving on her body. Before stopping and looking at Angelica who was breathing heavily and before anyone can say something Rio kisses her again .

Now, entering inside of her Angelica lets out a small Yelp until she starts moving up and down, now moaning making it music to Rio's ears.

"Omg" Angelica moaned as she threw her back into the wall.

"Fuck" Rio groans, as he continued kissing Angelica's neck and breast.

"R-Rio I'm gonna-"before she could finish her sentence Rio grabbed her neck and kisses her.

"Hold it" he demands still thrusting into her before he starts feeling the euphoric feeling about to come out.

"Okay baby whenever your ready" he whispers in Angelica's ear, letting her know she can release and she does and releases a breath. Before putting her head on Rio's shoulder as he massages her thigh.

" we shouldn't have done this" she whispers but loud enough for Rio to hear making him sigh.

" I know, mama, I know" he says kissing her shoulder, knowing that even though it was something that shouldn't have been done it felt like the universe wanted them to screw up like this to show them they are in fact meant to be.

Okay wow🥱😅 my first semi smut writing ever, umm if you enjoyed it thank you and if you didn't I'm sorry you can always skip 😚

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