Hiatus, Possible Discontinue

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Um, hi. It has certainly been a while. I feel like all this kind of deserves an explanation of how this all started and why this authors note is titled the way it is. I started writing this story back in the seventh grade. Come fall, I will be starting my junior year of college. That's a really long time to be working on a story. I've done a lot of thinking lately and unfortunately that has caused me to officially go on a hiatus from writing this story. There's a big chance that this hiatus could turn into a full discontinue. Truth be told I am not very into this story anymore. It's been so long since I've actually watched Lab Rats. I had so many ideas for this story, but I just couldn't get myself to write anything. It's taken me 8 years just to get through half of season 1, 2 years alone were spent on writing the last chapter. I'm not very interested in it anymore. But there's also more to that. Over the past few years, school, work and my mental health have kind of taken over my life. There are some weeks that I just don't have the time to write. Others, I don't have any energy to write. Lately I've had no inspiration, and I lack the energy to really do anything when I'm not working or at school. I've been taking notice that my mental health has just been on a decline over the past few years and it's affecting my energy and the things I used to find fun. I'm never excited about things for more than 1-2 months. I'm not even all that excited to write anymore either. I can't enjoy things anymore I'm that drained. It makes me a little sad to admit that I'm going to shelve this project, especially since it's started growing in popularity over the past 1-2 years. But I honestly feel like this is the best decision. I need the time to focus on getting myself better and possibly moving onto new things in writing. I will try to write for this story when I get the chance or the sudden inspiration, but I won't be updating until I have a significant amount. Which probably won't be a while if at all. I'm so sorry guys, but thank you all for understanding.


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