"Spit It Out!" (Fili Durin X OC)

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Requested By: https://www.quotev.com/GoodEvening25610


Name: Ruby
Age: 17
Appearance: Dark brown hair, blue eyes, tall
Personality: Hot-headed but funny and sweet when she's wants to be
Love Interest: Fili Durin from the Hobbit


A/N: Sorry it's late. Hope you enjoy!!


"You know, I never understood all the fuss made about elves." Said Nori nonchalantly as Thorin and Company, including Ruby the elf, clustered around a fire and ate their meal.

"Yes, same here," agreed his brother.

"All the fuss made about them being all powerful and such is overrated. Why don't people obsess over wanting to meet the dwarves? We are far more interesting." Said another.

"Watch your tongues, dwarves, or I'll have no problem shooting one of you through the heart." Ruby warned, keeping the annoyance out of her voice as best she could.

"Exactly what we're talking about!" A dwarf—Gloin— exclaimed. "So stuck up and entitled! Thinking their so fine!"

Ruby fingered her bow threateningly. "I'll give you one last chance to stop talking down to me, before one of you has an arrow through their chest."

"'I'll give you one last chance to stop talking down to me, before one of you has an arrow through their chest.'" Mimicked yet another dwarf.

Everyone burst into laughter, except Bilbo, who wasn't even paying attention to what was going down around him.

Ruby fumed. She grabbed her bow, nocked an arrow, and let it fly past Nori's head, missing by only a breath.

However, instead of silencing their tauntings as Ruby intended, it only caused them to start poking fun at her and her race more, till at last she couldn't stand it. Ruby leapt to her feet, and graceful as a cat, vanished into the surrounding forest.

She could hear them still guffawing behind her.

After she ran far enough for the sounds to fade, she finally slowed to a stop. She hated them all. All of them! If she had a mind to Ruby could kill them all before they moved.

To help let off some anger, Ruby shot at anything and everything nearby.

That stump? Struck in the center. That knot in the tree? Perfect hit. Those two rocks leaning against each other? Knocked apart.

In her rage, she almost didn't hear someone approaching behind her. When she did, she spun around, arrow ready to shoot.

It was Fili. He yelped and jumped back when she aimed the arrow at him.

"What do you want, Dwarf? Come to mock me and my people some more? Because here in these woods no one would ever find your body!"

"No!" Fili cried. "No, not at all! I came to apologize! Please don't shoot me!"

Ruby's arm wavered uncertainly. "And why should I accept you actually intend to apologize?"

"I do intend to apologize! I am sorry my friends were mocking you! And the other elves." He added.

Ruby finally lowered her bow. "And why are you apologizing for mocking me? Out of fear for your skin?"

"No...and I didn't mock you. I was silent the whole ordeal."

"Then why?" Ruby started getting angry again.

"Because...because...well you see..."

"Spit it out!"

"Because I have feelings for you." Fili said, so quietly that if Ruby wasn't an elf she would've missed it.

For once, Ruby was speechless.

"I-I know you probably don't feel the same..." Fili stammered.

Ruby moves her bow; Fili flinched. However, instead of shooting, Ruby just placed the arrow in her quiver and sling her bow across her back.

"I never thought I would hear those words coming from a dwarf." She said at last. "Much less you."

"Yeah...well it's tr—. Wait, what do you mean by 'much less me?'"

"I mean what I said." Ruby started walking to retrieve her arrows. "It's unusual for whoever an elf loves to love us back."

It took a minute for Fili to process Ruby's words. "Wait," he said. "So what you saying is that you..."

"Yes." Ruby looked him in the eye, a smile playing on her lips. "That's exactly what I'm saying. I'm in love with a certain dwarf who happened to follow me into a forest."

A/N: I can do a part two if you're not happy with the ending. Let me know!

Sorry to y'all dirty minded people thinking the title meant something else 🙃 

Also let's politely ignore how bad of quality the picture is

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