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Okay, so I remembered this short story I wrote for a writing contest last year. It was on Quotev but has long since died out. I won first place for the first prompt. I decided to move my story where everyone can read it. Here is my story!


Prompt: Supernatural-Paranormal Thriller

Maya Estron, a young woman of twenty eight, was walking down the road, headed home from work. It was just after the sun had set, so it was pretty dark, though there were street lamps that lit the sidewalk. She looked around herself at the sky. It appeared that an electrical storm was brewing. That was odd, as the forecast predicted clear skies for the next several days. It wasn't often the meteorologists were this wrong. What was more odd was that the clouds had a greenish tint to them.

As Maya continued walking, bolts of lightning started flashing through the air nearby. However, instead of normal white bolts, they were a black color. None of the other people on the street took any notice to this unusual weather.

Just then, Maya looked up and a bolt came down, striking her left shoulder and blasting her to the ground. Pain flared through her entire body, and a tingling sensation too. The sky around her started to clear, and Maya started to lose consciousness.....


Maya woke with a start, heart pounding in her chest. Thank god, it was only a dream. She felt a bit sick, and had no idea what day it was or the time.

Climbing out of bed, she went into the bathroom and drank some cold water. It helped a little.

Stumbling back into the bedroom, Maya flopped back down on the bed. She let out a scream of pain as she landed on her left shoulder. It took a couple of minutes of her sobbing and clutching her arm before the pain stopped. When it finally did, she carefully got to her feet, crossed the room and switched on the light. Pulling her left T-shirt sleeve down, she gasped in horror at what she saw. On the entire top of her left shoulder, part of her neck, and upper arm was a giant, shiny, blue-black bruise. The discoloured skin was very shiny and smooth, almost like it was made of plastic.

Thinking she might be dreaming or hallucinating, Maya later back down in bed, mouth still agape in shock.


The next morning, the first thing Maya did was run to the mirror to look at her shoulder. To her horror, bluish spot was still there, not an illusion, not a dream, but real. It still hurt. And it covered a larger area than it did the night before.

And Maya told no one.

She called in sick for work, wore a turtleneck sweater to cover the mark, and ignored the mailman when he arrived. She looked up if there was a storm in town that night, and there had been a ten minute long thunderstorm. Nowhere did it mention it was an electric storm of the clouds and bolts were discolored.

Days passed, and every morning the spot was larger. Soon, half of her arm, chest, and back were covered with the shiny skin. The pain was almost unbearable. She had to keep from screaming every time she moved. Her neck also was the freakish bluish black color, and to make it worse, it started creeping up her face.

One day, about two weeks after the incident she had though was a dream, Maya's face was over half engulfed in the paranormal skin. Her once green eyes were purple, and where the spot reached her hair it turned the black locks white.

After half her body turned to the plastic like skin, the pain ceased. No more was she in agony.

One day about three weeks after she was struck by lightning, Maya's neighbor came over to check on her. Maya ignored the knock on the door, but her neighbor, a man by the name of Adam, let himself in, as he knew where the spare key was kept.

"Maya," he called, "You in here?"

Maya didn't make a sound. Her one level home didn't offer many hiding spots, so she crouched under the table in the dining room as to not be found. Her body was two-thirds black at this point.

"Maya!" Adam walked into the dining room. "Maya Estron, where are you? Everyone is wondering what happened!"

"Go away." Maya whispered from under the table.

"Maya?" Adam squated down to see her. The lights were off, so he couldn't make out Maya's face, but he saw her figure curled up in a ball under the table.

"I said go away, Adam."

"What's wrong? It's ok, you can trust me."

"It's not that I don't trust you, it's that you won't believe me unless I show you, and you don't want to see me."

"Maya, whatever is wrong it can't be that bad."

"Yes, it is. But if you insist....please don't freak out..."

Maya slowly crawled out from her hiding spot, a twenty eight year old, as broken and helpless as an infant. Standing up, she told Adam to turn the light on. He did, and the moment he saw her he gasped in hastily backed up.

Her entire face except for a part of her right cheek was a teal-ish black. Purple eyes glowed in place of her green ones. Maya was wearing a T-shirt, showing that her entire left arm and nearly half her right was also alienated.

"Now you see me." Maya said, not at all acting like her bubbly, carefree self. "It won't be long before it consumes me entirely...then I'm not sure what will happen, though I have a guess..."

"Wha-Wh-what? Why? H-how?" Adam spluttered.

"I have finally come to terms with my fate...the pain has ceased and I understand now that this is my only option." Maya continued in a melancholy voice, tears in her eyes.

"How did this happen?"

"It happened nearly three weeks ago...I was walking home and I was struck by black lightning. I...I thought it was a dream, because the next thing I knew I was at home, in bed and it was dark out. I felt pain in my shoulder, and I looked at it...and it was blackened like the rest of my body is now. A bluish plastic like skin. After the pain stopped, I finally understood. This is life now. All it is is a painful road that leads to the end. And when my transformation ends, well let's just say that I don't suspect it to be pleasant."

"What is going to happen to you?" Adam asked, trying to control his breathing.

"As far as I have guessed, they will come for me."

"Who will? And why?"

"My true family. They will take me home."

Adam slowly started backing up to the door. Whatever the heck was wrong with Maya Estron, she was no longer herself.

"It's ok Adam, you can go. Don't come back, I'll be gone in four days. Don't tell anyone, and if they ask, you saw nothing. Take anything of mine you want. It won't survive the explosion."

Instead of answering, Adam just turned and fled.

Four days later, it was in the news that a house was partially destroyed during the night. Several people reported UFO sightings. And Maya Estron? She was never seen again.

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