"I Will Love You, Even Through Death." (Phillip Hamilton X Reader)

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A/N: So, the person who requested it deleted their account, but I still wanted to do it. And I apologize to people waiting for requests. I was on hiatus without telling anyone, I guess. Oop-


*Angst Warning*


You hold up two dresses in front of the mirror, deciding which to wear.

"What do you think, (Y/S/N)? Light or dark blue?"

"I don't think he will care either way." Your sister replies loftily from where she sits behind you.

You were currently deciding which dress to wear because you were sure it was the day. The day Phillip Hamilton asked you to marry him. The two of you had been courting for nearly two years, and were both committed.

"Uh...I think I'll go with dark blue-no the light..."

You eventually decide on the light blue, and with your sisters help, get it into to place just right.

You live with your older sister and her husband, as your parent are dead and you have no other family to stay with. Hopefully things will change soon!!

*slight time jump*

You walk up to the Hamilton house and open the door. Eliza was out, but Phillip and his father were home.

"(Y/N)! You look beautiful!" Phillip exclaims when he sees you. He walks over and gives you a tight hug. "Did you make it over okay?"

You chuckle. Even though you only live two blocks away, he always asks. "Yes, I'm whole at the moment!"

You notice Phillip has his jacket on and behind him Alexander seems to be getting ready to go out.

"Are you going somewhere?"

"Oh yeah...about that..."

You frown. Something was up.

Mr Hamilton chimes in. "We have some business to attend to. We'll only be gone for about an hour. Eliza should be back soon."


"Now, we best be off."

You pull Phillip down and peck him on the cheek. "Be safe. I love you."

"Love you too, darling."

Then they were gone.

*Another slight time jump*

You are sitting in the Hamilton's kitchen chatting with Eliza when you hear a knock at the door.

"I'll get it, Eliza." You say, standing and heading toward the door. You open it and see a man standing out front.

"Is Mrs Hamilton home?" He asks, sounding out of breath.

"Yes, she is inside."

Eliza must have heard her name because she appears behind you. "I'm here, is something wrong?"

"It's your son Ma'am, you need to come immediately!"

Your blood runs cold. No, no this can't be good....

Eliza seems to be thinking the same thing. She rushes back into the house and swiftly returns, handing you your sweater as she dons her own.

"What's wrong?"

The man explains as we rush to where've we are going. "Your son, he was in a duel and...."

No. No! This was not happening! It's not real! You tell yourself.

Multi-Fandom x Reader Oneshots *Open to Requests!*Where stories live. Discover now