Chapter 11: possible possibilities

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The boy looked around his small room, with a old twin mattress in a corner, and a chair with a tiny desk in the other. He sat on the chair and tried to hush the baby wolf,
"Callate niño, ¡mis padres están en la casa aya!"

But Shiro didn't listen as he paced the small area. He was trapped. Panic made a home in his mind. Hunger too. What was he going to do?

He paused, and looked at the small boy,

The weak rumble amused the boy, it was just like all the other dogs he caught.
"Idiota. Es tiempo para más carne por el customers."

He grabbed the rope next to him and walked towards Shirou. He didn't know what to do, he didn't even know what the stranger was saying. As he came closer, shirou walked back, but was easily cornered with a few steps.
No, I am a wolf.

Shirou bared his teeth and lunged at the boy, who didn't expect this coming from a scared pup. Thrown to the ground, Shirou stood on top of him, and pinned his shoulders with his paws. The boy, was too frightened to muster up a scream, but a whisper came out,
"No, por favor perro, estoy once años, y quiero vivir. ¡Por favor!"

Shirou still didn't understand what he said, but heard the fear and saw the terror on his face. He got off of him, and the boy ran to the bed and cowered in the corner. Too afraid to leave, since there was a ravenous wolf guarding the door. The boy started to cry, he didn't want to try to kill him in the first place, but his father told him he had to, or he wouldn't get to go back to school.

Shirou's stomach growled again. And the boy had an idea.
"¿Quieres un poquito más de chorizo?"

Shirou's ears perked at the word. He remembered how tasty it was when he ate it earlier. He walked closer. And the boy spoke again,
"Pero, me tengo que ir, porque mi papá tiene más. "

The boy slowly stood, shaking while trying to get to the door. Shirou didn't come closer, he wanted food. The boy clung to the wall to create as much space as possible between them before he got to the door, keeping eye contact beyween him and the wolf. And before Shiro could react he flung open the door and slammed it shut!

The boy panted behind the door. Should he tell his father he got a bad dog? But then he would kill it himself, and he knew he would still feel bad after. Even if his father killed it and not him..

What will he do?


Hey guys! What do you think is going to happen?

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