Chapter 8: Cuddles

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Michiru took in a deep breath.

"I've never really fought before. And all the fights with the monsters did a number on me. A-and when Alan hit you, and you flew against the wall. I-it scared me. And I guess that kinda made me have a nightmare."
She looked at Shirou who was too lost in thought to notice that she stopped talking.
I talk too much... should I tell him I'm scared to be alone?

She sighed. And started to sit up,

He still wasn't looking at her.

His furry arm wrapped around her bare shoulders.

It kinda tickles.
She thought and smiled. She mentally paused herself.
What am I thinking?! He's just a friend.

Shirou didn't know what to do. For the thousand years he's lived, he's avoided women and relationships.

"What do you need to go to sleep? I think it's best for you to get some rest after the tiresome night you went through."
He looked at her human face.

She struggled to mask her fear of being alone in a dark room. Her lungs tightened at the thought of it.
Why is it getting hard to breathe?

"I'll be fine. Thank you for helping me, and listening to me Shirou-san. It must be pretty late. I really do need a good night's sleep right now."
Michiru rose and quickly went inside, leaving Shirou outside. Closing the door she face-planted on her brand new bed.

Shirou was confused. She was so comfortable sitting next to him, and right after he asked about last night she became so cold and distant.
He couldn't help but wonder,
Did I say something wrong? I don't think she's telling me the whole story. How can I assist her if she's not telling me the truth.

He didn't want to walk through her bedroom to go to his.

Standing, he jumped off the building and walked in through the front door. Ignoring the confused glance of Melissa. Almost kicking his door off of its hinges, Shirou stripped off his shirt and sat on his bed. When he was in his wolf form, wearing shirts were uncomfortable and irritating. His long fur would get stuck in the seams and poke through the fabric.
I should stay transformed so I'll be able to hear or smell anything off.

With confidence of his abilities, he went to sleep.


Michiru looked at the time.

"01:52, I'm too scared to go to sleep."
Her tired eyes drooping along with her frown.
I need someone to sleep next to. I can't stay awake like I want to, too tired. But I don't want to bother Shirou with another nightmare. How hard of a sleeper is he?

She transformed into a snow leopard. Her her large soft paws leapt off her bed without a sound.
She called Nazuna. To her surprise, she answered,

"Nazuna! I'm sorry did I do something wrong? I was giving you space like you wanted but you never answer my calls and-"

"Michiru. I was just busy. And yes, you were giving me space like I wanted. But I don't think 20 missed calls is giving me space. The Church is getting popular again. And I just don't have time to spend with you."

Michiru's heart burst.
You don't have time for me? I thought we were going to be friends for ever...

Her lungs tightened again. She couldn't breathe. She took in breath after breath but it wasn't enough.

Michiru didn't know what to say.

"Michiru? Are you overreacting again? Answer me!"

Michiru threw the phone onto her bed. She ran out of the room, but no matter how hard she hit the stairs, she couldn't make a sound. Slowing down, she noticed that Shirou's door was open.
Her eyes adjusted to the dim moonlight coming from the open window. Michiru crept in on all fours, her ears transformed into a bat's. Which made Shirou's quiet and shallow breaths sound like a leaf blower. Slipping in next to him, she detransformed. Slowly and silently Michiru put her arm around his waist. His long fur slipping through her fingers like silk.
It soothed Michiru. She could feel her lungs loosening up. She couldn't stop rubbing her hand up and down Shirou's back.
His tail unconsciously started wagging, hitting Michiru's leg. She skillfully used her foot to stop his tail.
But the more she rubbed his belly the harder his tail would wag.

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