Chapter 19: A Second

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Michiru freaked out.
Shirou is gone.
She has one of two options, call the police to report a missing person, or try to find him herself.
"It's ok, ok. It's all ok..." She mumbled as she walked the streets. No trace, dejected, she walked home. At least she called it home.

*Ring Ring*

"I'm not gonna look. I don't care about Nazuna anymore... She never cared about me."

*Ring Ring*

She never waits this long she usually hangs up.
Angrily She glances at her phone,


"Sh-SHIROU SAN??" the poor tanuki panicked and called Shirou back.


Shirou wondered if he could call her, though being miles away.


"*Ring*-Michiru." Shirou's voice booms through the phone.
She rambles, "where did- why did you- is it because of -"
"-Michiru." Shirou stated, "I deeply apologize for my actions."

Michiru stood still at the door of the house, silent.

Shirou continued, "I haven't trusted someone as quickly or as fastly as I thought I ever would, since... And I want to say thank you. If you would reciprocate my feelings it would be greatly appreciated, though you don't have to."

She hesitated, "But why, why did you leave like that?"

He cleared his throat, "Y-you are one of the kindest people I've met. But I wasn't ready, nor prepared, to be cared for... I truly am sorry."

Michiru sighed, "It's ok, I understand."
No one will ever like me will they?... WAIT he said--

"I'll leave first Michiru, goodnight."

"SHIROU-SAN" She blurted out, "where are you right now?"

He paused, "at the beach in Mahahual, Mexico?"

"OKTHANKYOUBYE" Michiru abruptly ended the call and ran inside.


Shirou looked at the final glimpse of the red sun as it set, " Michiru's mad at me, isn't she?"

The long flight and switched time schedules did a number on Shirou, slowly dozing off on the white sand.

He jolted up, feeling dirt and grime all over his fur.

"MI PERRITO, ¿ESTAS BIEN QUE PASA?(my puppy are you ok whats wrong?)" Marco rushed over to the  puppy he started to bury, in the same spot he first found him all those years ago.

He held the wolf in his arms. He felt way bigger than the last time he gave him a hug. Marco let go and took a good look at his dog. He was bigger, fur silvery and soft. This wasn't the puppy he remembered.

His dog looked at his owner, jittery with all this newfound energy. Marco questioned, "Quieres ir una camina conmigo?(do you want to go on a walk with me?)"

The wolf wagged his tail as the two walked down the crowded street into the woods. After some time went by, Marco realized this dog could run faster, catch deer faster, basically do anything faster. Marco concluded, "Perro,(dog)" the dog looked over at him as his favorite human continued, "Necesitas explorar más y encuentra quien eres.(you need to explore more and find who you are)"

He smiled as he looked at his puppy's innocent expression, "sin mí, porque necesito ayudar a mi papá.( without me, because i need to help my dad)"

He gave his wolf a large and deserved hug looking into his puppy's eyes, "Bien hecho.(well done)"

And Marco let go.

Shirou's eyes watched his owner carefully as he watched this once little boy slowly step back and turn to the door, "No quiero despedirme... en una nueva vida, volvemos a jugar.( I don't want to say goodbye... in a new life we will play again.)"

He could sense in his gut this was the last moment with Marco as he closed the door, without him by his side. The first word that came up in this wolf's mind, adiós(goodbye).

Shirou woke up to a beautiful sunrise. It's rays reflecting off the calm waves.
"I can finally let go. I remember."

Shirou let a single tear fall. Sweet release, a small smile crept onto his face as he watched the waves.

He spotted a colorful dot in the sky, standing out from the flock of other birds.
What type of bird is that?

After a closer look he saw it fall from the sky, "MICHIRU?"

he transformed into his wolf form and bounded across the waves, with paws bearly sinking under the water.

He pounced in the air, Michiru landed on his back as he carefully waded through the water onto the sand.

Fear encompassed his mind shaking her.
Is she alright? How did this happen?

her drowsy eyes opened, looking back at him, "h e y . . ."

"MICHIRU!" He shook her again, "Are you alright?"

She squinted, angrily glancing at him getting comfortable on the sand, " I just flew 12 hours... overr here... with those birds helpingg*yawn* me... let me sleeppp..."

Shirou placed her under the shade of a palm tree and sat next to her.

-7 hours later-

Michiru woke to kids playing on the beach, making sand castles out of a plastic mold, "Wha-? Oh I made it!"

"Thankfully you did Michiru."

"Sh%($&¡ Shirou you scared me!"
She yelped.

"Michiru YOU scared me falling out of the sky haphazardly." He scolded.

"Oh- I did that? Haha lol" the furry tanuki sat up to face the angry Shirou.

"You-" shirou started but was interrupted by Michiru's paws holding his pale hands.

"Shirou-san, I remember what you said to me during the phone call. Before you say anything, I like you too."

His white cheeks soon turned a light shade of pink, "Wha-what?"

"I know you didn't want me to notice when you said it," Michiru mimicked in a gruff voice, "To reciprocate my feelings."
She squeezed his hands gently, "But I did, and I wanted to answer you in person. I like you, and I'm willing to wait until your ready to have relationship with me."

His jaw dropped,

Shirou jumped and gave Michiru a  hug, falling onto the sand.
"Thankyousomuch!" He rambled as Michiru laughed.

He looked into her gleaming eyes adoringly. "Michiru, I'm ready. Will you be my girlfriend?"

She nuzzled her nose with his, "Yes!"

Shirou lifted her in the air and spun her around, "I really like you Michiru."

Setting her down Michiru wrapped her arms around his waist, "You're so sweet, like a puppy."

He placed his arms around her,
It doesn't hurt anymore when she calls me what Marco said. I've moved on.

He smiled as he rested his head on hers.



hellooo readers! Thank you for coming this far!

A special thanks to Shallot4444 for liking all the chapters <3

Goodbye 👋

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