Chapter 12: Power

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The boy quietly waited behind the door, making sure the dog would stay put.

Young Shirou paced the small area, he was getting claustrophobic. He lived in wide, lush forests with his kind. Feeling free and blissful. He shuddered at the thought of being stuck in here. And he knew he had to do something.


Since Shirou ceased howl-wOoo-ing for his bellyrubs, Michiru had the chance to finally get the comforting rest she longed for. Though she would have never expected what was going to come next, sleeping soundly next to a wolf.


The boy trembled while walking to his father. He passed the corridor and turned right, opening the only door connecting their humble home, to the shop. His father was talking and laughing with one of the customers. The boy patiently waited till his father wasn't preoccupied. Knowing it might take the rest of the day, just to talk to his father.
But of course, his father knew he was already there with the information he needed. Once he finished with the first customer in the surprisingly long line, he asked the other to look at some of the other meats in the carniseria for a bit." ¡Marco! ¿Que eres tú haciendo aquí? Estoy trabajando ahora."

"Yo...uh yo tengo uno," He leaned in closer to his father,"un perro nuevo, recuerdas cuándo me dijiste que buscara un perro. Pero el perro no es muy bueno. ¿Puedo lleva eso afuera por favor?"

His Father threateningly grumbled," No, deja a tú perro en el cuarto. andate a tú cuarto ¡AHORA!"

Marco ran. Out of that little store, to his small house, to reach his even tinier room. But before he opened it, he smelled something revolting.
Creaking the door open, he saw that crooked little wolf pissing on his bed. His only bed.

In rage he yelled, "¡Idiota!"

Shirou yelped. Startled by the loud noise. Marco didn't care about what would happen to him if he attacked that dog. He ran towards the wolf and pushed Shirou down, they both tumbled on the floor. The wolf snapped at the boys face but missed, Marco grabbed his muzzle and pushed it down on the cold floor. With his free hand he pinned Shirous two front paws as well. The fearful wolf struggled to escape, but Marco held on tighter. This time, he won the battle.

His revengeful eyes glared down at the defeated wolf,"Nunca más perro."

Shirou whimpered and stayed put, laying on his side while Marco stood up. He walked over to his mattress. Seeing the large dark yellow stain starting on his pillow, down to the center of the mattress. He grabbed a stainless corner and dragged it outside. He had to turn it on it's side to get it out of the door. It was a lot harder than he thought.

The sun was only 2 hours away before sunset. Then, his father could finally talk to him about what he wanted with the dog. He trudged back inside his room, surprised to still see the pup staying on his side.

"Perro. Levantarse." Marco commanded.

But the pup didn't move. He tried something else,"¡Párate!"

But still, nothing," ay, ¿porqué perro?¿ Qué pasa?"

The dog heard angry commotion behind his back. But he still didn't raise his head nor stand.

Marco tried something else. He walked around the dog, sat down, and stared into his eyes," arriba. Ahora."

Shirou closed his eyes. The boy was mad. Did he break the dog? He then remembered this dog is young, he doesn't know what each word means.
Chancing his luck, the boy went over to close his bedroom door and then sat close to the dogs face. He carefully held The young wolf's torso to lift him up into a standing position.
Shirou opened his eyes at his new leader, who said," párate. "

Marco layed him down again, amused that Shirou didn't try to resist. He repeated what he did two more times, to make sure Shirou understood. Once the dog was laid down, he didn't try to stand him up.

Instead he just said," párate."

Shirou cautiously stood. Marco praised him," Bien echo perro!"

Shirou looked away. Assuming his leader was done with him he wandered over to a corner and stayed there.

Marco, slightly regretted what he had done. But what would have been better, a ravenous wolf, or a submissive dog?
He also walked to a separate corner and slouched down. Now all he needed to do was wait for his father to come.


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