chapter 13: a twist

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Shirou's front paws started flapping around, as if he was... pacing. The longer it continued the more running-like it became, but there was no flooring or ground to step on, since he was sleeping on his side, on a bed. The only option was a sleeping Tanuki.

"*Pat pat pat*" Shirou's enormous paws slapped Michiru's face.

"Huh...? What!? Ouch! Stoppp! Frickin-" His two front paws pushed her head, and body dragging along, to the end of the bed. She felt her weight, though a small amount compared to his, cause the mattress to sag, slightly, but just enough to make her fall slowly off the bed. Panicking she sleepily tried to shove off his paws off of her face. But because of those paws, she couldn't see anything. Flinging her arms around Shirou's to stop him from continuing to push her off of the bed, but it was no use.
In a matter of seconds...

"*thunk*...ouchh." She groaned.
She knew her tailbone will be hurting for weeks.


Shirou's puppy face saw Marco look down as his father roared at him,"¿QUÉ ESTAS ASIENDO AQUÍ  MARCO?¡ ESTÁ ES NADA COMPRANDO A QUE YO NECESITO!¡ NADA!"

His father sighed and looked at the trembling dog. Marco whispered, "Él es un bien perro para algo. Por favor, yo quiero este perro, no para comida, pero para un amigo..."

His father thought about the possibility of the dog helping them find better meat to sell rather than becoming it. He answered, "Bien, usas el perro por un compañero."

Marco answered with glee, "¡gracias!"

Desperately leaving the room to no longer be in his father's presence, Marco grabbed Shirou and ran out of the small house I to the backyard. He held the pup's face and said, "tú eres el perro champione. ¿Sabes? Tú eres mí solo amigo, tu tienes un futuro."

It was everything Marco wanted to be, and if he couldn't have it, he wanted the dog to have it. He set the dog down, "Vamos."

Marco walked into the forest. It was an unkown part of the forest for Shirou though, but having felt the determination in Marco's words, he followed.

And the training began.


Hey guys! I'm loosing viewers to this book, and was considering it was happening because of the dual languages. I'll change it from now on and translate the past chapters if it's the problem. Tell me in the comments! =)

a Twist of Fate (Brand New Animal) (Shirou×Michiru)Where stories live. Discover now