Chapter 9: cuddles pt. 2

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Shirou's big, cold, wet nose still pressed against Michiru's forehead. And because of that, her forehead was getting really itchy. But what bothered her most was how still Shirou had become.


His nose was pressing into something fuzzy and warm.
Such a highly detailed dream! But I want more belly rubs. Mabye if I lick whatever this is more, I will get a belly rub!

Determination flowed through Shirou. He howled his war cry, and started licking whatever the warm furry thing was until he got his belly rubs.


Michiru looked at Shirou's stone cold face. It twitched, then,

"Rr...rr... ROOoooOOOoo.... ooh...roo."
His head lowered a little bit.

Muzzle falling off of the pillow. She was shocked, his quiet little howl hit some pretty high notes, higher than she could even hit herself.
He is so cute! But his arm is a bit heavy... how do I get it off?

His head rose once more to lean into her's and booped her little nose with his.
She stifled a squeak that arose in her throat. The tip of Shirou's tongue poked out of his mouth again. A waring. It was barely a centimeter away from her lips.

She panicked, trying to wiggle out of his grip. His tongue licked her top lip and her nose.
She got her left arm free from under her and tried to push him.
He licked her lips with effortless accuracy.
Her hand slipped,


After licking the minty toothpaste a couple of times he got a belly rub.

'Mission accomplished.'
He said to himself in his dream.


Michiru waited a minute to confirm that Shirou had stopped licking her.
I wonder what he's dreaming?

She retracted her hand and defensively put it in front of Shirou's lips and hers.

A throaty grumble whispered out of his lips. His hot breath flowed over her face.
So... So close...

She saw his tongue poke out and reach over to her hand covered lips. Risking it, she tried to push him away again. Leaving her face vulnerable to sloppy licks.
Half of his pink tongue went back into his mouth as she pushed his chest.
What if I pet him again? Will that make him stop licking me?

Warily, Michiru rubbed circles on his furry chest. She saw him visibly relax, and on cue, his tail started wagging. Except she wasn't in it's way again. She scooted forward so the weight of his arm wasn't focused on her right side, which let her use her right arm as well. Her head slid under Shirou's chin.
If he's still asleep, that should stop him from licking me again.

Michiru continued to rub shape patterns onto his fur. Loving it when his tail wagged harder as she pet a star shape.


Shirou felt free. He lay in a bright green meadow, covered to the brim with lavender. It's long stalks erupting with purple flowers at the top. Towering over him.
He didn't know what memory he was reliving but he enjoyed it.
He tried to remember the last time he was pet.


9 month old Shirou stumbled in a dark alley. For beastmen, their animal form matures twice as long as whatever their animal is. So, for Shirou he will need to be 14 months old to become an adult.
His body hadn't caught up with his big paws yet and he lost his pack while they were teaching the pups to hunt.
He turned a corner of the fresh produce shops and was greeted by a boy.
His father had warned him about humans. He turned away and dashed through the crowds of people to find a calm space to gather his thoughts. But right as he found one the boy was behind him.

"Hola perrito chiquitito, quieres una mordida de este chorizo?"
He kneeled, and held the sausage out.
"Este es muy rico,"
He took a bite to show that is was safe.
"Quieres una mordida?"

Shirou looked at the sausage and warily took a nibble.
This is delicious!
He wagged his tail and the boy smiled.

"Ven para acá."
The boy scooted back a little bit. Shirou followed. The boy tore off a little piece of the chorizo, put it in his hand and held it out to Shirou.
He sniffed the boy's hand. The sausage smelled the same so Shirou assumed it was safe. The little boy continued this until they were at a small house. People were coming in and out, leaving with small packages of longaniza, chorizo, bistec, pernil, and other things.


How do you think this is going to turn out?

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