Chapter 14: New worlds

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Spanish translations will be in parentheses.

Hours. Hours every day. Marco never stopped training Shirou. For some it would be deemed irresponsible to allow a child to handle a wolf, but not to him.
In the short breaks between sessions they would talk together. Marco mostly talked, Shirou only listened. Some grumbles would come out of his throat when Marco would express his anger towards his father, a feeling they both connected on since He was the one who would threaten them, and make them find deer and other animals to supply their store. But it didn't matter, they had each other. This lonesome wolf was the brother Marco never had. He relished in the wolf's quiet company, it was all he needed.

They had both grown quite a bit. Puberty gave way for both of them to gain more muscle, something they both yearned towards. For Marco to catch the girls, and for Shirou to catch the deer.

As they sat down, Marco started talking about anything coming to mind, but his father hollered at them, "¡Niños, yo nececito mas carne!( boys, I need more meat)"

Marco sighed, "Sí papá,(yes dad)" he rose and called for the wolf beside him to follow, " Vamos.(Let's go)"

Dutifully, Shirou walked to Marco's side, and they strode into the forest.

Finding a small pack of deer, deep in the forest, the two hid behind a bush. Shirou readying to attack, Marco whispered, "Ahora.(Now)"

Shirou lunged at the deer closest, sinking his pearly white teeth into its soft neck. The others scattered, now scarred with their last memory of their beloved friend's death.

"¡Que buen perro!(that's great dog)"
Marco smiled as he walked over,
"Este aqui es PERFECTO para mi papá-(this is perfect for my dad's-)"

A thunderous roar shook the trees around them. Wincing from the strain the sound layed on Shirou's ears, he dropped the lifeless deer.

The ground shook with loud repetitive thuds encircling them, Marco ran to Shirou, holding his arms around his furry neck for safety. They looked up, as all sunlight dissapeared from the sky. And above them was an enormous Wolf.

Shirou started running, Marco safley secured on his back home. Leaving the deer behind.

As they reached the tiny house, Marco hopped off and reminded Shirou, "La carne perro!(the meat dog)"

Shirou turned on his heel and bolted for their prey. Smelling its scent trail, he found the body quite easily. But before he picked it up, he saw the large paw prints around the area. Being curious, he just had to follow.
As the trees slowly cleared out, it lead to a large battle field. With a smell getting stronger.

😳<-- will signal the end of my fantasies.

Dead bodies of multiple human-like animals littered the ground, blood dominated all the colors. Blending into a horrid mess. Shirou retched. All over the dead deer. He wasn't hungry anymore. He had eaten raw meat since birth, but this was disgusting. Fear from an unkown source had been permanently etched on each animals face that was visible, and not head first in the dirt.

Once his queasyness subsided a bit, he looked towards the center of the field. A tuft of light grey fur fluttered in the wind, out of the pile of bodies, it was on the top.

Without a moments notice Shirou hurdled towards it. It reminded him of the family he once knew. His true family. A pack of ravenous wolves.

He ignored the squelching each time his paw hit the covered ground. He climbed the mound, and once reaching the top he smelled the bloodied fur.

That. That was his brother.

He howled in anger. But it came out as a guttural scream. So human-like he scared himself, more so than he already was.
A whisper sounded beyond the pile of bodies,
" Shirou... My child..."

He leapt over the mound to see a grey wolf, silver strands dotting his body, marking his age. A large spear was embedded between his ribs. Shirou looked away as the old wolf continued,
"I'm... I'm so glad I found you... Save our clan son...
*Cough COUGH*"

blood splattered over Shirou's chest fur, grimacing at the wolf. He had no clue what he was saying in this new language. But he internally remembered the old wolf's phrases, hoping to someday understand their meaning.

He waited to hear more, but nothing came out of the old wolf. Anxiously Shirou come closer to the heavily panting old wolf, his haggard breaths slowed to a stop.

Shirou fell to the ground next to the cold wolf. His whimpers getting louder. He howled in agony.

A rumble echoed over the plain. Something was laughing.

A glowing monster crept out of the mountains ahead. It had three monstrous wolf heads,
"Look who's here. The RUNT of the pack. I thought you already died you bare savage."

Rage filled Shirou's body, shaking in anger, he ran towards the monster. Before he even got close an arrow pierced his side.
He kept running, adrenaline making him feel nothing. More arrows spotted the sky, falling and digging into his flesh. His running quickly stopped, he stumbled towards the monster. Shirou's vision blurring.

He fell to the ground, his head hitting the ground with a loud THUD.

..... 😳<--- HERE YA GO!

Shirou jolted awake, seething with anger, he looked around. He didn't know where he was. Growling, he bit his pant leg thinking it was some monster contraption to hurt him farther.

He spun in circles, tearing half of the pant leg off. He started on the other, growling incessantly.

"STOP!", a shaky voice said, quivering on the floor.

He paused, eyes gleaming on the small seeming dog, pieces of his pants still in his mouth. All he was left with pants-wise was a pair of now short pants, coming to mid thigh.

He pounced on the tanuki, pinning her to the cold hard floor. He had placed his paws on her hands in a way to prevent his large claws from digging into her skin. A wolf way of interlocking hands, but without the love part.

Shirou towered over her, deep feral growls erupted from his mouth.

Michiru's arms were At a right angle, hands slightly above her head on the floor. Her wounds on her arms, though securely wrapped, reopened. The smell filled Shirou's nose. He dry puked, releasing his grip and jumped back onto the bed, pressing his nose into the covers to hide his nose from the scent. But even the sheets still smelled of the tanuki! Shirou grumbled.

His senses were keener than he remembered. Ears acutely heightened. What could have happened to him to cause this?


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