Chapter 1

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Bella's pov

My name is Bella Swan and I am 118 years old because on my 17th birthday 118 years ago I was turned into a vampire by my father Aro and I ran away from home and I have ran ever since and I compelled myself a family so my adopted mom was called Renee and my adopted dad was called Charlie and I had an adopted brother called Saul and so I have a son called Zeke and he is 10 years old but when he was 3 years old he was turned into a vampire by my ex husband Edward his dad and after a while things were fine.

That was until the Volturi found out that my son was turned at such a young age and so now for 2 years me and Zeke have been on the run from them because if they find us they will take me for themselves because I have powers which is that I can read minds and talk to people through my mind to theirs, I can also control people, move things with my head, use all 4 elements, compel people and teleport from place to place and if the Volturi find my son they will kill him which I can not allow.

Right now me and my son are in a car on our way to forks to start our life over once again and as I was driving I said so Zeke sweetie it's your choice do you want to go to pre-school or nursery this time and Zeke smiled and said nursery mommy nursey and I said as I started to laugh ok baby ok and so then I continued to drive to the house in the woods that I had bought and when I got there I pulled the car into the drive way of the house and I stopped it and turned the engine off.

So I took my belt off and I turned around in my seat and I looked at Zeke and I said so you ready to see the new house and your new room and Zeke said yes mommy as long as we don't share anymore and I laughed and said ok baby and then I opened the car door and I got out of the car and I walked to the back of the car and I opened my sons door.

Then I leaned into the car and I took off Zeke's car seat belt and then I lifted him out of the car seat and into my arms and then I backed away from the car and I shut the car door and then I looked at Zeke and I said you ready and he said yes mommy and I said ok good because after we get settled in we are going hunting does that sound good and Zeke said yes mommy me hungry and I said ok then and I started walking towards the house with Zeke in my arms.

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