Chapter 11

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Bella's pov

Once we got to the school I pulled into the car park and I parked the car and then I took my belt off and so did the kids and then I turned the car off and took the keys out of the engine and put them into my hand bag and then I said ok everyone ready and my kids all said yes mom.

So I said good and remember if you fell like you need to feed or if you think your going to loose control ask to go to the toilet and come find me understand and Zeke, Catherine, Tyler, Amber and William all said yes mommy and I said good and then we all opened the car doors and got out of the car.

Then we all walked toward the school and as we did I smelt a smell which smelt horrible and Amber said mom what is that smell and I said I don't know ignore it and the kids all said ok we'll try and then we walked into the school and when we got into the school we all stopped at the front doors inside the school.

As we stopped I looked at my kids and said good luck all of you and remember be good and all my kids said thanks mom we will be good and I said ok and then my kids all set off to their classes as they got their timetables yesterday when I registered them to this school and so when my kids left the hall and went to class I heard the bell ring.

Then I groaned and I thought oh god late on my first day of teaching and so I walked up the hallway until I got to my classroom and when I got to the classroom I opened the door and I door and went inside and when I got into the classroom all the boys turned and looked at me and when they did I smelt the same smell I did out in the hall but I just shut the classroom door.

As I shut the door I walked over to the desk and I set my handbag onto the ground and then I turned around to the black board and I grabbed some chalk and I wrote on the board my teaching name and then I turned and looked at the class and I said hello class my name is Miss Volturi and I'm your new teacher and then a boy raised his hand and said Miss is it true you have 5 kids and they go here to.

Then I said well young man that is non of your business and the boy said oh sorry Miss but my name is Paul get it right next time and the boys in Paul's row all started laughing and I said alright you boys want to be like that fine then the 7 of you will stay after class got that and the 7 boys all stopped laughing and said yes Miss sorry Miss.

So I said alright good and then I started teaching the class and I taught them for 3 hours and then the class stopped as the bell rang for next class and I said alright class now I want a 500 word essay done by the end of the week and all the bugs said yes Miss and then I said your al dismissed and then the students all stood up and walked out of the classroom and the boys I said to stay behind where still sitting at their desks.

Then I walked over to the door and I shut it and then I walked back over to my desk and I sat down and I said good now do you boys mind me asking why you were laughing and the lot of them stayed quiet but then Seth said we were just laughing because of what Paul said to you he's always like that but he can take it to far.

So I said ok far enough but I want the 7 of you to do the homework plus an extra 400 word essay and the boys gasped and Jacob said ok Miss we know we laughed when you were teaching but we have a duty to our tribe and I said yeah ok and then Embry said look Miss we know what you and your kids are because we hunt the very thing you are.

Then I said wait what do you mean and Jacob said well we know you and your kids are vampires and the reason we know this is because me and these boys plus a few others are wolves we are a pack of shape shifting wolves and I said ok fine say I believe you why aren't you killing me right now.

So Quil said because if we do we will draw to much attention and plus you aren't doing anything wrong and we know your kids are obviously in control because they haven't fed from a human yet and I said ok thanks so what happens now and Jacob said well we were hoping you and your kids could come talk to our alpha tonight and sort a deal out.

Then I said yes of course I will and Jacob said ok good now Miss do we have to do all that work and I said no no you don't but just don't interrupt my class again and the 7 boys said yes Miss and then they all left and then I spent the rest of the day teaching and by the end of the day I was so frustrated but happy my kids didn't need to feed.

So when class was finished I grabbed my hand bag and I left my classroom and I walked out of the school and walked to my car and when I got to my car I saw that Catherine, Tyler, Zeke, Amber and William were already there so I said as I unlocked the car alright get in we don't have time to stand here.

Then my kids all said ok mommy and they all got into the car and out their belts on and then shut their doors and then I went around to my side and I got into the drivers side of the car and then I put my belt on and I started the car and then I said so how was your day and my kids all said either alright or ok or I really enjoyed it and so then I said ok good and then I drive out of the car park and I drove back home to face the Cullen's yet again.

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