Chapter Two

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Harry Styles' POV

The bell rang,and I packed my books away before leaving, Zayn waiting for me at the door.

"Let's go KFC, I'm starving mate," he said, his accent strong.

Zayn was from Bradford, and moved here when he was really young.

We went to the same primary school, secondary, college and now the same uni.

He was pretty attractive, a lot of girls liked him, with his hazel eyes, dark hair, and facial structure.

"Sure, I'm just going to call mum and let her know first.

He nodded in reply, and I quickly called my mother before leaving the university's premises.

"How's Perrie then?" I asked, eyes focused on the road as I drove.

"She's ok I guess," he stopped before continuing.

"Well, she's ok, but I don't know if we're ok,"

"What do you mean?"

"She's been avoiding me lately,and we rarely talk."

"When's the last time you guys fucked?"


Weird,unexpected question,I know.

"Answer me," I pleaded, and he shot me an annoyed look.

"A month,"

"Woah, Zayn,"

"She's always so bubbly, and now whenever I see her out and wave or say hi, she would either blank me or reply harshly,"

He was looking down; Zayn never, ever was like this; miserable.

He was my best friend, and he would do anything for me, and I would do anything for him too.

"There's never a perfect relationship Zayn, something goes wrong, everyone knows that. Call her,"

"I tried, hundreds of times, she won't answer,"

"Break up with her,"

"What?" The look on his face was a shocked expression, and you could see the hurt in his eyes, but deep down we both knew it was the sensible thing to do.

"Zayn," I said in a gentler voice, "You haven't spoken to her in weeks, and she definitely doesn't seem like wanting to talk to you, I'm sorry bro, but it's the truth,"

"You're right, it's just, I really thought we had something, you know?"

"Guess it was just a summer love, now she's gone,"

He winced, as if the words were like a slap to the face.

"Sorry man,"

"Nah, thanks Harry, you're right, there's no point of a relationship if we don't talk or even see each other,"

He gave me a small smile, which I returned to him, as long as he was happy, I was too.

We arrived at the high street, and I parked my car outside the shops, near KFC.

We trudged down the path, noticing people from uni here and even some people I slept with.

Really awkward.

We ordered our food and Zayn hummed a tune I instantly recognised.

"Drag me down," I muttered, smiling.

Did I mention I was in a band?

It was called One Direction consisting of me ,Zayn, and three other guys ( Niall, Louis and Liam).

Niall was Irish, he was also a brunette but dyed his hair blonde, with blue eyes.

Liam was a brunette; brown hair, brown eyes, he was pretty muscular, like me, and he was closest to Louis and Niall.

Speaking of Louis, he was another brunette in our band, with blue eyes that had a slight tint of green to them.

Zayn was the one who did the high notes in our group, Louis was the one who wrote our dirty songs, Niall, I and Liam would mess around.

However, in Drag Me Down, Zayn offered for me to perform the high note, so that was pretty cool, and it was a very hype song.

We were all really happy, and we are extremely close.

Sometimes it's just me and Zayn however, because I knew him for longest and also our classes were together more than the rests'.

That didn't change the way I felt about Liam, Louis and Niall though, they were my brothers, and I could rely on any of them.

We got our food and left the shop, heading back to the car.

"How crazy would it be if we performed worldwide Harry?"

I don't really know why, but I loved the way Zayn said my name, since he had a Bradford accent, it would come out as 'Harreh'.

"It would, wouldn't it? I mean, the huge stage, fans, flashing lights, that's sick!"

"I have a feeling it's going to happen someday though,"

"Someday soon,"

We chatted as we ate throughout the whole drive, and then arrived home.

"I can't be asked to do homework," I groaned, smacking my forehead with my hands as I remembered the essay due in tomorrow.

"Where are the boys?"


That's when Niall came downstairs, headphones in and oblivious to our arrival.

Zayn walked forward, sneaking up to Niall, removed his headphones and screeched in his ears.


And that's how Zayn ended up with a fist to the face, and Niall's used plate broken.

I couldn't stop laughing.

"Zayn, I didn't reali-" Niall apologised for the hundredth time.

"Shut the fuck up," He replied, clutching the white tissue to his bleeding nose.

I snorted.

"Shut up Harry!" They both said in unison.

We all sat in silence, while Zayn cleaned up his nose.

We all knew Zayn was being his over dramatic self, but everyone loved it.

"Where are the rest?" He asked Niall.

"Louis, Liam and I had after school detentions, I had one hour, they had two. Should be coming back any second now, but that's not the point. Where's my KFC?" Niall asked, gesturing to Zayn who was finishing his chicken wing.

I tossed a bag at him and he ran to the sofa, jumping on it and relaxing as he opened the bag and munched on a burger.

Just then, Louis and Liam came, placing their car keys on the table, greeting us and then Liam ran upstairs to complete some homework.

We all followed him upstairs, me and Louis last, but not before he remembered something and ran back down.

"What is it?" I called after him.

"Give this to your dad!" He said, jogging up and handing me an envelope.


Yeah, me and the four boys lived in the same house, ever since we were 18.

And my dad was the one who would pay.

Why, you ask?

Well, he is one of the richest businessmen in England, and he loves the boys, and wanted us to have our own private space because we made too much noise in my house, so monthly my dad pays the bills and everything.

"Thanks Lou,"

We went upstairs and to our separate rooms, completing our work from university.

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