Chapter Three

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Taylor Swift's POV

Today was the day.

I was off to England!

I had always wanted to go, see the Buckingham Palace, Windsor Castle, Big Ben, there were so many monuments!

But certainly not to abduct someone.

My flight was at 9:00, and right now it was 5:15.

I was all ready to go, so I sent Ali a quick text that I was leaving, but I didn't say why, and then I left to see if my dad was awake, which he was.

"Dad, I'm leaving now, going to call a cab. Goodbye,"

"Make sure you complete your task,"

He didn't even look at me, and was again busy with his computer.

I left, feeling slightly crestfallen.

At least he hasn't done anything to you the past month the little voice in my head reminded me.

Gathering my belongings, I headed out of the house, embracing the cold morning breeze and giving my house one last look before leaving.

Hours later I found myself on the plane, on the window seat next to a little boy who looked around 6 and his mother next to him.

I gazed out of the window as we took off, my ears bursting.

God, I hated this.

I closed my eyes, leaning my head against the window, uncomfortable but all that was on my mind was sleep, and I dozed off in the plane, but my mind totally elsewhere.

"...but mummy, she looks cold!"

"You don't want to disturb the lady now do you Tyler?"

I opened my eyes, half asleep as we were still in the air, and next to me was the little kid pulling out of his mother's grasp, getting the folded blanket that was placed on my lap and covering my body in it, adjusting it to make sure it covered me from my neck to as far as it could go.

I blinked and couldn't help but smile as he ignored his mother tutting every now and then.

"Oh!" Tyler saw me awake.

"Hello! I saw you seemed quite cold, so I wanted to put this blanket on you, sorry if I woke you up though,"

He looked up at me with soft brown eyes, blonde messy hair and an adorable smile.

"Thank you so much, Tyler, right?"

"Yeah, how did you know?"

I leaned slightly closer to him, whispering in his ear.

"I heard your mum talking to you!"

"Oh! That's how! Well then, what's your name?"

"I'm Taylor. We have similar names!"

And so we had a small conversation, he was definitely the sweetest kid I've ever met.

Tyler then got busy in a movie on the aeroplane screen and so I was left alone with my thoughts.

"Hello Passengers! We have officially arrived to England! It will take approximately half an hour for us to land at Heathrow Airport. We shall let you know when to stay seated as we meet the ground shortly."

I turned to look outside.

England was really pretty-

Well, actually, there were just buildings, like NYC, but a whole lot more greenery, which was amazing.

I still felt exhilarated that I was in my dream country.

A smile crept on my face, and I couldn't hold it back as I checked everything around me and made sure I had all my belongings in place and ready for when I needed to go.

And now, moments later, after a seven-hour flight, we were finally landing!

The plane rumbled as it landed on the ground, and then, it slowed to a halt.

"Passengers,this is your pilot James Stewart, we have landed at 4:12pm and I hope you all have enjoyed your flight, and have a wonderful stay in England!"

Gradually, people exited the plane, and soon,I was out, leaving for the airport through a small bridge thing that connected the airport and the plane.

Harry lived in London, around an hour away from the airport, so I called a cab- a taxi, as the British would call it, and left Heathrow, having done everything such as security checks, etc.

I also changed my currency, it was weird having different colour notes to pay with, but oh well.

The number plates fascinated me, they were different, sunlight streamed through the clouds above, and people were happily walking about, enjoying the warmth.

Wow, it's not even that hot for April in England compared to April in the U.S, but I loved it way better here; hot, but not too bad and a light breeze.

I arrived at my destination, a small house hidden pretty well in the woods, alone but not too far away from the city, and I had my own car parked outside, which was going to make things way easier.

I already had the keys to both the car and house, so I entered, dropping my luggage on the floor,turning the lights on and falling on the sofa.

I was so exhausted, and my body ached from the uncomfortable plane position I was in.

This place was pretty small,way smaller than my house in New York, but as I looked around, it wasn't bad.

A living room, a kitchen, with a fridge full of food ready for me to use, a bathroom, storage room and one bedroom.

It was enough for one person.

As I set all my things, unpacked my stuff, connected to the WiFi, etc, it was about 10pm.

I changed into my silk night suit and as I climbed into bed, I found a note.

'Bathtub, move to the right'


I thought about it for a good minute, until I finally realised it was talking about my bathtub.

Confused, I headed to the toilet, looking at the bathtub which was pretty big, reaching up to my waist and on the left corner of the toilet.

How was I meant to move this?

I tugged, heaved, pushed with all my might and it wouldn't move.

I gave up after about 15 minutes, about to leave before something caught my eye.

A small red button, at the top right corner.

I pressed it and pushed one last time, and finally, it moved,gliding along the floor.


Because there was also a huge gaping hole in the corner.

Huge enough for an average sized adult to fit through.

Oooooooooooh :) I'm trying to make the chapters longer, hopefully as the story progresses it will !

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