chapter 19

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Y/n's POV

In the car

I settled myself in the passenger's seat as Yoongi started the engine, all ready for the long journey. Car ride from the apartment to the mansion in city V is supposed to take at least five hours.

I've also prepared some snacks in my backpack in case the need arises... Well, I know it will... Because I'm already feeling a little bit hungry...

One hour later

The road was almost deserted with trees on both sides. This isn't the highway I saw on the map, is it?

Me: Yoongi-ah? We're not on highway?

He glanced at me once before focusing on the road again.

Yoongi: No. But this is faster... Don't wanna be stuck in traffic on main road.

Me: where are we then? This seems like a forest to me...

He chuckled...

Yoongi: this is a bypass road through the forest...

Me: w-what? What if the anima-

Yoongi: don't worry sweetie... This is a regulated area with no wild animals.

I tried to calm down but I have this uneasy feeling about a big cat turning up from nowhere and jumping on our car.

Unbeknownst to me, Yoongi held my hand and started stoking it. I felt his warm presence only when he squeezed my hand tightly.

Yoongi: calm down....

I took a couple of deep breaths. Looking up around, the wind was starting to pace up... And some clouds were rising in front of us...

Me: the weather doesn't seems to be favourable for us...

Yoongi: what?

He followed my gaze towards the clump of black clouds rising rapidly from in front of us...

Me: I admit I love rain... But I'm not in mood right now...

Yoongi: we need to hurry up.

There was a hint of urgency in his voice as he left my hand and increased the speed of the car...

I missed the warmth but we needed to drive out of the Forest's confines before thunder could strike...

Much to the delight of our bad luck, it started pouring within minutes. Starting with sift drops to raining cats and dogs, it all happened in a blink of an eye.

Yoongi slowed down the car a little bit because of decreasing visibility but kept on a stable track.

He was indeed one of the best driver I've met in my life... Maybe the best among all, because despite the extremely heavy rain, poor visibility and high chances of slippery road, he kept on driving...

That was until the dark clouds covered whole of the sky within our vision and the real thunderstorm started...
It didn't seem like daytime anymore...
Streaks of lightening were faintly visible and the ear piercing sound of thunder took control.

The sounds of rainwater splattering on the roof and sides of the car along with thunder could make anyone flinch.

Calm down... Calm down... Calm down

The car stopped by the roadside.


Yoongi: we can't drive untill the mighty heaven's have some mercy...

Me: oh.

I looked out of the window but there's nothing to look at except water...

There was a faint click... Of course, Yoongi removed his seatbelt to get more comfortable...

I turned around when I felt some weight on my shoulder...

His hand was softly lying there as he stared at me...

I could feel my heart rate speed up from the eye contact and the familiar tingling sensations in my tummy... Am I hungry?

Yoongi: let's get comfortable...

Me: ah--Yeah.

He retracted back His hand as I started unbuckling my seatbelt.

Finally free of the restrictions, I looked at my husband as he was already staring at me. Aww... He's a real cutie... Like how is he looking like a squishy plushy in this gloomy atmosphere... Wait-  Is Holly asleep???

I looked back to see Holly lazily sprawled on his seat. Is he not scared?

Me: ah... What?

Yoongi: Nothing.

He shook his head and smiled as if he wasn't really staring at me moments ago... Tempting me to bite his cheeks...

Me: Are you hungry?

He nodded and looked back up.

Me: let's have some snacks... Thankfully I prepared them just in case...

Making my way to the back seat, I crawled over to sit besides Holly. He was looking at me lazily still strapped in his seat. I unbuckled him and kept him on the passengers' seat where I was sitting earlier after giving him a quick kiss. I wanted him to purr knowing fully well he isn't a kitten...hehe... But being free Holly was more relaxed now. Taking out some dog treats first I kept them in a plate and kept it in front of him. He barked a couple of times before diving onto his food.

All this while I could still feel Yoongi's gaze on me.

I unpacked some snacks and handed them to him but he shook his head.

Yoongi: do you have a blanket?

Nodding my head, I brought out my favourite blanket that was stuffed last minute into my bag.

I widened my eyes a little on seeing him crawling between front seats as he landed almost over me...


Sitting besides me, he made himself comfortable, keeping his legs on the driver's seat that he had lowered down.

Snatching my backpack and snacks, he kept them on the other side before pulling me towards himself. I felt my body tense up at the abrupt move. He rubbed his hands around my waist and cuddled me closer until I relaxed. After which, he brought out my laptop and placed it in front of us. Switching on a movie that I randomly downloaded another day, he kept a pack of chips between us...

Yoongi: let's enjoy our time...

He whispered and pecked me quickly before focusing on the snacks. I smiled a little and enjoyed the movie too while hugging him tightly.

I didn't really realise when Holly had came up to us and slept in my lap... Nor did I realise when my eyes closed or when the movie ended.

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