Y/n's pov
The party was so much more fun than I imagined. Though I didn't get to spend much time with Yoongi, it still was fun.
I didn't plan on drinking again tonight but it was somehow inevitable while getting to know our classmates. A couple of shots in a game soon turned to shot oriented games and I think I really lost it...
Alcohol makes mind hazy!!!
But I think it's okay, yoongi will find me and I'm with my friends so yeah... One more glass won't hurt...
??? : y/n!!!
Me: ye-yeah... Hehe
I think I've had a lot now... It's reached a point of Stuttering...
??? : y/n! Your turn!!! Truth or dare?
Me: huh... Humm... T-Truth
??? :ohhh... Tell us something about you that you think is strange? 🤔
Who is this🧐who is asking such a silly question 🧐
Me: w-well, sometimes I... I wake up at night... And I...hehehe... I love it when my babe is sleeping so cutely😌... I like to watch him sleep and... Hehe... Kiss him when he's sleeping.... He's the cutest🥺... It's strange... That I can't open my eyes after the sun rises😣🤔
??? :😯
Who filled my glass again? 🤨anyways...
Me: Kai! YoU're neXt! *hiccough*
?: y/N!!! yOU!!! IT's you'REee tURN!!!
Me: me? mE!!! Me! It's me... I'm y/N!
? : trUTh or DaRe??
Me: hehehee... DaRE!!!
? : umMmm.. Haha... Go, sIT oN soMeONe wHose naME yOU doN't kNOW🤪
Me: ehahah...I dON't waNNa... 😖I waNT mY YOonIEeee... WaNNa gO the hiM...
? : daRE y/N!
?? : You'LL have to dO it, Y/N!
Me: bUt... *pouts*
I looked around... And figured I didn't know anyone... Some people seemed like, like I've seen them somewhere... But I don't know... I don't know anyone...
After much thought I chose the person who was sitting right in front of the *favourite snacks*... Easy access...
I was just going to grab a huge piece of-
???? : y/n!!!
Oi! Someone pulled me away! My snacks...
My snack...
Me: yooNIeee!!! BaBiEeee!!! It yOU???
I held his forearms and looked up where I suppose his face was...it's blurry... But cute... Heheheee
Yoongi: hmm... Sweetheart, it's me, your suga.
Hehe... I wanna kiss him...
And that's what I'll do...

💜Arranged Marriage💜
FanfictionTurning an arranged marriage into something beautiful... A Min Yoongi fan fiction... Editing the already written chapters rn... Some fluff+🔞.... But it definitely comes with a warning... Storyline is mine. Cover cr. @TashfeaTashfea Credits of p...