chapter 27

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Author's POV

After  parking the cars, the 8 housemates walked to the living room and settled down. Jimin and hobi fetched some Water bottles from kitchen and distributed them.

Seokjin oppa: first of all, where are your phones?

The  4 culprits were sitting on a separate sofa. At the mention of mobile phones they all looked around and gulped nervously.

Tae: hyung you see, the constant notifications were distracting us from the main purpose so we kept them in a purse... They must be somewhere inside those shopping bags...

Jin: oh my! what if there was an emergency! What if one of you got lost? What would you have done? This is a new city for you all, for God's sake!

They all looked down...

Jin: and what were you doing in the arcade? At least you should have informed us before wandering off... We were so worried!

Jk/Tae/Jimin/yn : sorry...

Jin: okay okay... I get it... Now, don't start crying... Next time, never keep your phones away. As for the punishment, you 4 will be unloading all the shopping bags and books,  jimin and JK will be cooking dinner tonight and y/n and Tae will be washing the dishes. Also, since you don't really need  your phones, No phones and games for 2 days!  *evil smile*

Jk: hyung! No! That's not fair!

Tae: we didn't eve-

Jin: tut. Tut. Get to work!

While walking towards the stairs, Yoongi stopped next to where y/n was sitting and bent down to Whisper in her ear.

Yoongi: wait for your special punishment tonight.

With a heart shaking smirk, he walked away leaving a very flustered y/n.

The four of them reached the first car and stopped outside.

Y/n: wait. If we do this separately, we'll get tired easily....let's make a chain!

Tae: how?

Y/n: one of you can pick up the bags from inside and pass it to me. I'll pass it to the person in the main corridor,  who can further pass it to the last person near the living room. He can arrange it on the floor there. It will be much faster...I think.

Jimin: yeah. Sounds good.... we won't even have to run long distances.

Y/n: right. Let's start.

Jk: and let's play some music.

Y/n: how? It'll take too much time to find our phones...

Jimin: where's Namjoon hyung?

Tae: yes. He's the best option. Maybe he left his phone somewhere... we can pick it up.

Jk: he should be in library or the garden to relax...

Y/n: I'll check the living room.

Jimin: I'll go to the library and bring my Ear pods too.

Tae: backyard.

JK: I'll go see if he is resting and also pick up my ear pods on my way.

With that, they all walked their separate ways. They found the phone lying under the living room table and began their work 7 minutes later. Thankfully, no one disturbed them for one hour in which they brought everything inside and separated their bags into 4 piles.

Too tired to carry their things upstairs, they left everything in the living room, picked lots of snacks and brought them to the the guest room (pic. above) adjacent to the living room. Dumping everything in the middle of the queen sized bed, they all had at least 2 hours before dinner preparation. After locking the door properly, they switched on the TV and got comfortable.

They spent 2 hours silently eating and resting while watching an action movie. By the end, y/n and Tae were already asleep. jimin and JK quietly left after shutting off the TV to prepare dinner. As they passed the living room, all the five phones were still lying on the table where they left them, means no one came down.

They quickly began their work. 5 minutes later, Jin and hobi joined them in the kitchen. After dinner was served everyone except Y/n and Tae were down on the table.

Yoongi: where's y/n....and Tae???

Jk: they were sleeping earlier... I'll call them.

Yoongi: wait. Where are they? I'll go!

Jk: guest room by the living...

Yoongi nodded and left the table. He quickly walked to that one particular bedroom and opened the door. The bed was full of snacks and their wrappers while  Tae and y/n were hanging on two ends of the bed.

Yoongi: hey! Get up! Both of you!

He shook the sleeping Tae first, as he was nearer to the door. The poor boy opened his eyes and whined before blinking a couple of times and sitting up. Meanwhile, yoongi went to the Other Side and tried to to shake y/n awake. Still in Dreamland, y/n pulled his hair and smacked his face away in irritation.

Yoongi: y/n! It's me! Wake up!

She  was still clutching his hair when her eyes opened and widened.

Y/n: oh God! I'm sorry... I'm.. I'm sorry.

She sat up and started petting his hair softly as Yoongi chuckled.

Yoongi: it's okay honey. I'll get the payback after dinner. Let's go now!

He didn't wait to see her reaction, just dragged her by her waist towards the dining room. Still in daze, she started smiling seeing his cute gummy smile...



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