chapter 34

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Author's POV

There was pin drop silence as Y/n and Yoongi pulled apart to look at the new person standing on the stairs with his eyes fixed on the ceiling.

Y/n: ye-

Yoongi: who are you? 🧐

He squeezed y/n's waist and pulled her at his side.

Yeonjun: umm... I'm friends with y/n.

Six boys stood behind y/n with varied expressions.

Tae: can we go and eat?

Y/n: yea-

Yoongi: what is your name?

Yeonjun: Choi yeonjun. And here, your girlfriend forgot this folder in there.

He handed the folder to yoongi and took a few steps back. The latter was prettily smiling just like y/n at the girlfriend comment...

Yeonjun: see you tomorrow y/n?

Y/n: yeah. See you!

Y/n beamed at his retreating figure before turning back to other boys.

Jin: let's find a spot to eat. Than we can explore the campus. *sigh*

JK: cafeteria then?

Everyone nodded and followed Joon.

The cafeteria had tables for six or four but not for eight. They selected a table for six in a corner and dragged two chairs from other tables, despite the disapproving looks from the attendant. Though, cramped a little, the eight of them dumped all snacks on the table and began eating while describing their departments.

Y/n told them about the strange girl and yeonjun and how boring the introductions were. Meanwhile her Jin oppa proudly recalled how everyone had to show some acting and the way he nailed it leaving half the class drooling...

Her pretty husband had slept through the proceedings only waking up when the 'bloody phone' just wouldn't stop vibrating... Whereas the science department of her Joonie oppa finished up so early that he even took a trip to cafeteria to buy them all food.

Yeah.and sweet Hobi and Jiminie spent more than half the time finding tae and the other half finding their way back to their class... Then we had a lost Tae who played with a puppy for a long time before bunny... Oh Jk found him and took him back to his sports department with him, where all the guys and girls were mesmerised by the cute angel holding Jk's hand. The girls swooned over the overly cute guy who seemed softer than a Fluffball... Playing with another Fluffball... That was until Tae Tae got hungry...

They all finished their snacks and got up to explore the campus. Many students were wandering here and there. Many were now eating in the cafeteria... Maybe because the introductory proceedings were over now and the students were free. Groups of boys and girls walked towards their destinations talking and laughing. Y/n tapped Yoongi's fisted hand before exiting the cafeteria, who in turn engulfed her small hand in his own big one, making her blush furiously.

They walked with the boys until everyone was too tired and returned home . Getting off the cars, it was barely 6:00PM but everyone was too exhausted to cook. So, just opting for takeout, they all retired for an early night.


((Avoid if you don't wanna read...😉it's just fluffy guys!!!))

Y/n entered the room just behind her sweet, caring husband and dropped her bag on the couch, besides Yoongi's.

She stretched her arms above her head and m*aned in satisfaction when her muscles relaxed a little. Hearing a slight cough, she opened her eyes and saw yoongi sitting on the bed, with his eyes trailing down her legs.
She looked down and immediately straightened out her clothes before scrambling towards the bathroom.

Y/n: I'd be taking the shower first...

With no place for any argument, she clicked the bathroom door shut behind her, leaving a smiling boy outside.

Fifteen minutes later, she exited the shower room in her regular t-shirt and shorts and directly fell headfirst on the big comfortable bed. Besides her, yoongi was still sitting in the same position.

Yoongi: I'd be back soon sweetheart... You can rest until then.

She squinted her eyes at him as he chuckled and left to wash up.

By the time he came back, she was already in deep slumber. He called out her name a couple of times only to receive incomprehensible grunts in reply. Smiling sweetly, he turned all the lights off and slid under the covers to have a good night's sleep. Pulling her closer for an embrace, he kissed her forehead, her nose, her cheeks and her lips... Kissing sweetly around her jaw, he wished his sweet wife goodnight and nuzzled into her neck. She pulled him closer and they both slept beautifully...


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