chapter 30

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Y/n's POV

I opened my eyes after hearing constant bangs at the bedroom door. At my side, Yoongi was struggling to open his eyes with his arms around my shoulders.

" Morning "

He groaned making me smile. Damn that morning voice...

" M- morning. "

My smile vanished. I couldn't speak properly...My throat hurts!!!

Seeing my frustrated expression, he chuckled...

" Too much vocal exercise last night? "

I could feel my cheeks heating up and knew I must be red in face... That adorable smirk of his... And not to mention those hands that wandered their way to my waist.

I tried to sit up. Someone needs to open the door after all. But a sharp pain shooting through my lower abdomen had me whimpering on the bed.

" Babe? "

I groaned as my husband pushed himself closer to me as not only was it getting hotter, I could feel his  morning issue against my hip.

" It hurts. "

His concerned eyes were fixed on my face as I could see through my blurry vision.

" Don't worry princess, we're going to rest today and I'll take care of you. Don't move too much okay? I'll be back. "

He rushed into the washroom and seconds later returned with a towel. After cleaning my face of tears, he used the wet towel to wipe my hands and left again.

" We'll be down later... Yeah... Yeah busy. "

Closing my eyes, I caught a few words of his conversation outside the door.

He came back to bed after freshening up himself and sat down besides me. He was now wearing a t-shirt over his pajamas. Me on the other hand had only a t-shirt I figured. I guess wearing pajamas or shorts won't really be comfortable right now.

" Hey"

" Hey"

" So, umm... It's 8 in the morning. Are you hungry? "

He asked meekly.

" Hmm. "

" I'll bring us breakfast. Here, you can watch something if you'd like. "

I nodded and picked up the remote controller as he walked outside.

I sat up slowly and dragged my legs backwards so that I rest with my back against the headboard. Switching on the TV to any random channel, I messaged my neck and shoulders a little and tried working on my sore legs. It seems like I'm on my period... Wait! Am I?

What is the date today???

Wait... Wait... Wait... Two days before the classes! Damn!

Now what to do??? I'll start bleeding anytime!!! And I can't even move!!!

Oh. No. No. No. It's the cramps!!!

I need to take precautions... And fast!!!

Quickly crawling to one side, I almost fell off my feet while trying to stand straight. Looking back, thankfully the sheets aren't ruined yet. We changed them just last night...

Oh last night... Thankfully I was okay yesterday... How could I forget???

I barely managed to walk two steps when the bedroom door opened and Yoongi entered with two plates of pancakes... Chocolate... * gulp*...

" Why are you out of bed? "

He asked while kicking the door shut and briskly walking to keep the food on the bed. Having dealt with the food, he walked up to me and held my shoulders.

" What is it sweetheart? "

" I... I'm on my period. "

I answered him quickly and hid my face in my hands.

" Uh... What can I do for you now? "

" Umm... Help me to my closet first? "

" Sure. "

My sweet honey picked me up in his arms and walked to the closet.

" Uhh...Can you put me down now? "

I asked as he opened the door and stood there waiting...

" Just tell me where are the things you need. "

" I... "

" Tell me. "

I pointed to a drawer as he walked closer and bent down a little so that my hands can reach it. I quickly picked up my things including the underwear and pointed to the bathroom. He took me there and left me inside on my Insistence. After a couple of minutes, I called his name and he came in to take me back to my bed.

We ate, cuddled, watched movies and read books all day long. My sweet husband brought me food, gave me belly rubs and massaged my sore legs, shoulders and neck. He prepared a hot bath for me in the evening before taking one himself. We ate dinner in the room too. while Holly and Tannie visited a couple of times, I didn't see or hear from any of the other boys today. Just ate their food...

I feel so lucky to have such a sweet companion for life. It almost feel surreal.

After a long day, we both laid on the bed with his head on my chest and a book in my hands. His hands were exceptionally warm today. I read the book for my exhausted husband who fell asleep within minutes. Keeping the book aside, I kept hugging him and playing with his hair for a long time before sleep engulfed me too.

I was better now. Much better.

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