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so i havent touched this book since jan? um anyways im not gonna continue this.


1. im no longer a supporter of jack due to drama but stan cylia asf

2. im in new fandoms 😩

3. this fandom is toxic and glad i left

4. i fucking hate this book

5. i was 11 (2019) when i first wrote this and i dont have the time to try and edit this so enjoy ig.

6. school. just started hs. i take my time doing other stories bc i can actually be bothered too lol

so yeah I hate this book and im never updating again..

but thank you all for this support ive gotten from this. ive made friends from this book and gained mutuals omg i love you all so much<33333333333

so yeah this is the last you'll ever see of this book updated. never deleting this tho :) but i dont support jack anymore.

thank you all and i love you all so so so so so so so so much<333333

~Fucktard~ Jack Dylan Grazer x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now