Chapter Six~ Weird Flex But Okay

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Jacks P.O.V
She loves me? I start to think about (Y/N) on my way back home. I finally arrive to house. I walk up to the front door and turned the handle. It won't open. I groan and keep twisting and turning the handle. No budge.
"Fuck" I yell kicking the door. I quickly text my mum.

Jack: Hey mum where are you
Mother 💖: At a friends, why?
Jack: Well I'm at home, in the freezing cold and the doors locked
Mother 💖: Oh could you go to Finn's house or (Y/N)'s
Jack: Um okay
She brought (Y/N) up? I can't just stroll over there saying ' hEy (Y/N) cAn i sTaY fOr A wHiLe My mOtHeR lOcKeD mE oUt'
I thought about and thought fuck it I'll do it.
~Time skip~

I walk up (Y/N)'s driveway and up the steps. I knock on the door to see (Y/N) in my
hoodie with sweat pants on. I grin, leaning against the doorway.
"Good evening princess how's it hanging?" I said barging inside. She groan slamming the door.
"Fine, before you came Grazer" She spat. "I see you still have my hoodie" I smirk.
She groans. "Look kid if you're hungry there's food in the fridge, shut up and leave me alone. I'll be in my room if you need me" she said walking to her room. I laugh making my way over to her kitchen. I start raiding her fridge.
"(Y/N) you have shitty food" I shout hoping to piss her off. I start to hear stomping.
"Okay Freckles why the fuck are you here for?" She questions, slamming her fridge. I blush.
"Well my mum sorta, kind locked me out" I say fidgeting with fingers. She laughs.
"ALrIgHt freckles. If you're mum doesn't get home before 6 you can stay here if you want" She smiles ruffling my hair. I blush.
"Weird flex but okay 🤷🏻‍♀️" I say smiling.
Hey guys I finally posted a chapter. Sorry for the long wait.

~Fucktard~ Jack Dylan Grazer x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now