Chapter 16~ Tiktok

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

ya know fuck quarantine. I'm so bored. I'm just gonna invite Noah's sweet ass over

tequila🤪🍑: nojah

equila🤪🍑: now
tequila🤪🍑: nowha
tequila🤪🍑: noag
tequila🤪🍑: novsh
tequila🤪🍑: noowh
tequila🤪🍑: nova
tequila🤪🍑: nooah
tequila🤪🍑: noah
tequila🤪🍑: finally lol

took you long enough

tequila🤪🍑: dumb whore
tequila🤪🍑: come over

I don't think I'm allowed

tequila🤪🍑: frick u

lol jkkk


equila🤪🍑: aight

*time skip my guyyy*

*knock knock*

"NOAHHHH" I scream running down the stairs.

I open the door to be greeted with a grinning noah. I jump on Noah, legs wrapped around his waist.

"you dumb bitch I've missed you" I say looking up at him.

"haha sameee 🥺" He smiles.

We walk inside. well Noah carried me inside. Noah throws me on the couch.

"noob" He chuckles.

"let's make a tiktok" Noah suggests. I perk up.

"yethhh" I shout grabbing my phone out of my pocket. I pick 'Savage'

when it got to the throwing back bit, I accidentally threw it back on Noah 💀💀. Noah died laughing.

"I was meant to throw it back on you ajajjajajajaj" Noah says CACKLING.

"stoopid ain't got no ass" I laugh.

"periodic table luv 😍💅🏻" he says.

We do more tiktoks until his mother called.. pissed.

"dumbass I'll see you in 2 years" I say hugging him. He laughs hugging back.

"lub u" he yells

"lub u 2" I yell back.

I shut the door and cry on the couch. imma call Wyatt.

(Y/N)= poo
wyatt= penjs

kinda busy

"I-" I said. then I start crying again.

"I'm so fucking boreddd" I yell. I miss the losers sm.

I look through my gallery at old pics.

god I miss them....

look who got a job at being more activeeee

so yeah lol


~Fucktard~ Jack Dylan Grazer x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now