Chapter Twelve~ Piss On My Parade

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A/N - Before I start,
Thank you, love y'all 💕💞💖💝💗💖💞💘💗💕

(Y/N) P.O.V

I woke up, feeling sick. My stomach was aching. Hopefully I'm not pregnant... i haven't hit up any guys so I think I'm cool 😎 I think its the time of the month... shit do I have supplies? I awkwardly get up and look at my sheets.

       'Ew' I thought to myself as I changed them. My gut hurt like a butt-cheek on a stick. I walked downstairs slowly, holding my stomach. I decided to look for (Y/G) to help me out.

"(Y/G)" I yell. No response. I waddled to the kitchen to check. Nope.
Before I walked out, i found a note on the fridge.

Dear (Y/N) 7/08/19
Hey darling, sorry about all of this, I've been called by my boss again to come back to work.
I'll be gone for another 7 months. I'm sorry honey. I've notified Andy about my absence and he happily said he would look after you. Well not at home but, I've called Finns parents. The Wolfhards would love to take you in. Anyway, I've left $2,000 cause I'm a rich bitch. Hopefully that will last. If not then I have left my card on the counter. Don't spend it on stupid stuff. See you soon (Y/N)

I start to tear up. They just came back last night and leave my broke ass. What the actual fuck?!
Thanks for taking a piss on my parade, bitch.
I grab my phone and call Finn.

Finn= bold
(Y/N)= italics

Hey Finnie!
Oh hey (Y/N/N)! Sorry about last night
Oh- I forgot all about it heh
Well anyway, aren't you staying at mine for a while
Yeah pretty much
Come over now
Are you sure?
Of course
Alright, see you soon

I forgot all about last night. Oh well the past is in the past ✌️i need to tell Finn about my problem. I walk up stairs to pack a bag.

*time skip*

I knock on Finns door. I came here from a uber. Finn opened it and looked like a mess lmao.

"Holy shit,what the fuck happen to you?" I ask.

He laughs.

"Come and see" He replys.

We walk through the messy house. Pizza, drink, toilet paper etc was everywhere. As we enter the living room, i spot 6 figures sprawled out. I laugh.

'They really had that much fun without me?'

My eyes were met with a head full of noodles perking up. Wyatt. He looks around and sees me.

"(Y/N/N)" He coos and runs up to me (like that lmfao)

"C r a c k h e a d" I laugh.
He pulls me down to one of the couches and cuddles me to death.
"Wy, staphhh" I giggle. He shakes his head and kisses my cheek.
Sophia gets up and starts singing 'Baby' by Justin Bieber.
Then Jaeden punches a hole in the wall.
Chosen started dancing, while jumping up and down.
Finn, Jeremy and Jack all did 'ringa ringa rosie or sum'






k.    ,



       D ssss

Jack looked at me and Wyatt in disgust. Sorry jacky poo.
Jaeden being the cute clumsy bitch he is he falls over


:((((. Can't be facked writting so,ething amd yah bue


~Fucktard~ Jack Dylan Grazer x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now