Chapter Eleven~ Sorry Dude

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(Y/G) = Your Guardian 💖 if that makes sense :) I'm using the pro nouns
They and them :))
Wyatt and I said out goodbyes. He kissed my head and said " Call me cutes" I giggle and walk off.

~Time Skip~

I walk through the door to be greeted by (Y/G). I smile, running up to them, giving them the biggest hug ever.

"Woah kiddo, ya missed me huh?" They said hugging me back.
(Y/G) was gone for at least 3 months. They left about 500$ for me. Meow.

"More than anything" I said softly. (Y/G) and I sat down to have dinner. I told them about my friends, filming for It and something I wish I didn't tell them.

"Some my friend Wyatt asked me out toda-" "I hope you said no" (Y/G) cut me off.
My face turned red and I laughed awkwardly.

"Not that I have a problem with it, I just ship you with the short one" (Y/G) smiled.
I gave them a confused face and then blushed. They were talking about Jack.

"Well uh, Wyatt and I are happily together" I said nervously. They look at me and sighed.

"I can't control your relationship, anyway that curly haired boy is alright" (Y/G) smiled.

It was nice having (Y/G) coming home. We finished dinner and I went up to my bedroom. I lay down on my bed, scrolling through Instagram laughing at memes. I got an incoming call from Wyatt. I smiled and answered.

"Hi cutie" Wyatt squeaks through the phone. I giggle.

"Hey Wy" I spoke back.
"Watcha doing??" He said with noise in the background.
"Why is it so loud Wyatt??" I ask.
"My mums friends are over, heh" He said.
Oh, okay" I replied.

We just talked about lovey-dovey shit. I then got a text from Jeremy

"Be right back Wy" I hung up.

Jermsss 🌈🤓: Hey (Y/N/N) the Losers and I are having a sleep over, wanna come?

I looked at screen confused. Finn or Sophia would of invited me before hand. I replied to him.

(Y/N/N) 🤡: Uh sure, who's all there??

Jermsss 🌈🤓: Everyone, why?

(Y/N/N) 🤡: How come I didn't get invited or told before hand?
Read at 7:24

I sighed calling Finn. It started dialling.
'C'mon Finn' I thought. No answer. I groan calling Sophia. Still no answer. I had one chance and called Chosen because I love him. Also he doesn't really go to sleep overs. It starts dialling.
'Oh please answer" He picks up.

"Hello?" He spoke
"Hey Chosen! How are you" I ask.
"Great" He replies.
"So are you going to the Losers sleep over?" I ask nervously.
"Um yeah, I'm on my way right now. Need a ride?" He offers.
I smile. He's such an angel.
"Um yes and no. I was never invite until now by Jeremy which is strange, cause Finn or Soph usually ask me" I said, fidgeting with my fingers.
"That's weird..." He said. " Have you called them???"
"Yeah but they haven't answered" I said.
" hold up, I'll call them, be right back" He said quickly and hung up.

I waited for a couple of minutes. Then I got a call from Finn.

"Hello?" I said softly.
"(Y/N) I'm glad you answered. I'm so sorry about what's going on. We didn't' invite you or Jack, because Jack was pissed about something between you and Wyatt. We didn't wanna put pressure on you"

I just hung up on him. I was tired. So I just closed my eyes and slept. Fuck life.

This story is a mess. I'm sorry about the slow updates. This chapter is Trash. I love you all 💕💞💖 stay cool! Also this was rushed :))


~Fucktard~ Jack Dylan Grazer x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now