Chapter Two~ Apologies

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Jack's P.O.V.
I felt bad about what I did yesterday. I literally took her by the collar and threw on the ground. What the fuck is wrong with me!?! I really need to apologize. I am such an idiot. She probably won't like me anymore, we probably won't fight anymore, we won't give each other bad nicknames (even though I like freckle face). I fucking hate her, but in a way I love her. Why is life so complicated. I'm in bed, looking at the ceiling and bored. I hear my phone ding and quickly check it.

Finnlard👌🐸: Hey jackooooooo

jAcK 🍪: What

Finnlard 👌 🐸: cOmE oVeR tO mA hOuSe

jAcK 🍪: ookkkkkayyyyyy see u soon!!!2!11

Ugh. I chuck my black hoodie and grey sweat-pants. Then I slip on my white converse. Wonder what frog wants?

(time skip cuz imma bad betch)

I let myself in cause Finn won't care. I walk in to see (Y/N) listening to music. Being the nosey shit I am.... I look over her shoulder. She is listening to 'Riptide' by Vance Joy. She starts singing the song.


running down to the riptide.

Taken away to the dark side (forget how the lyrics go :))

I wanna be your left-hand man,

I love you when you're singing that song and

I got a lump in my throat,

cause you're gonna sing the words wrong"

Wowie... She has a great voice. I smack the back of her head.

''Ow what the f- oh hey freckle face'' She snapped.

''I heard you singing... It was shit'' She frowns.

''Ummm... Thanks?''

I took my hoodie off and threw it on the couch.

'' Oh hey Jackkk'' Finn says.

''Hey dUdE'' I say back.

Silence washes over us. I break it.

''So, why is she here?'' I say smugly

Her face softens when I said that. She starts to quietly talk to herself.

'' Because she my best friend ;))" He smirked.

'' Anywaysssss... (Y/N) where your boyfriend??"

" Finn I've got to go"

''Okay but text me later :)"

''Of course''

"Bai Finnie, Later Grazer'' She said, walking out the front door.

''dUdE!!!'' Finn said.

''What? It's good she's gone... It would be even better if she was really 'gone''' I say.

''Fucc u'' he said.

''gUcCi fAm" I say laughing.

''Go say sorry or I'll never talk to you again"

I frown. I run outside. It starts to rain. She walking down the street, with her hood over her head.

"hEy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I yell.

*play Riptide and still read lol*

She turns around and flips me off. She starts to run. I run after her, I'm fast?... I catch up to her and wrap my arms around her waist to stop her. She gets angry.

''What the fuck do you want?!" She snapped.

''I wanna say sorry'' I say trying not to vomit.

Her face softens. She cups my cheek. I get distracted and zone out. THen she pushes me off her.

''Fuck you grazer, how much did Finn pay you?"

''He paid me n-'' She cuts me off.

''I'm going to Wyatt's, look freckles don't talk to me ever again, your a fucking prick'' She says tears streaming down her face.

''Look I'm sorry about calling him your boyfriend but-'' She cuts me off. Again

''Not that, but you literally took me by the collar, called me a sLuT and threw me on the ground!''

''I'M SORRY OKAY, I'M AN IDIOT BUT I'M SORRY'' I start to cry.

SHe cries with me and hugs me. I put my head in the crook of her neck. We stay like this for a minute. I start to shiver, she notices.

''Here'' She gives me her hoodie.

''N-No you need it'' I hand it back.

''Wyatt house is down the street so take it'' She smiles and kisses my forehead.

I slip on the hoodie taking in her scent. Surprisingly it fits me.

''See you around Fred Savage" She ruffles my hair and walks down the street.

oKay, I am blushing. oof. oof

I go back to Finn's house and he's on his phone. He looks up at me and smirks.

''heyyyyyyyyyy, isn't that (Y/N)'s hoodie?'' He says.

''Y-Y-Yeah'' I stutter.

''Have you been crying, your blushing, your hair is messed up?"



welp this kinda long...

this is cringey.


~Fucktard~ Jack Dylan Grazer x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now