Chapter Nine~ Angry bois

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Jack's P.O.V
(Y/N) 🐀: Heyo its Jack
Wyeet 🤟: oh hey
(Y/N) 🐀: (Y/N) doesn't wanna go out, thank you and goodnight.
Wyeet 🤟: um i wasn't asking for your decision, i was asking for her's so umm
(Y/N) 🐀: um hoe shut up, gtg tho 👋
Wyeet 🤟: frick u
Wyeet 🤟: bye (Y/N)
(Y/N) was over my shoulder reading the texts. She cringed for a while then laughed.
"Thanks Freckles" She hugs me. I smile hugging her back.
"All good B" I said. I looked her again, with a loving stare. I leaned towards her, almost lips touching. She backs away.
"So ready for bed?" She says awkwardly. I blush, knowing I embarrassed my self.
"Yeah, sure" I spoke. I jump in her bed and get under the blankets.
"Um hoe, the fuck are you doing?" She said, glaring at me.
"Shit, sorry...I'll sleep on the couch" I smile. (Y/N) makes a 'duh' face. She grabs a blanket and chucks it to me.
"You're bitch ass is sleeping on the couch, girl bye" She pushed me out of her bedroom. I blush, with a goofy smile on my face. "I love that girl" I say it aloud. Fuck. I'm in love.
I lazily walk down the stairs. I jump on the couch and shut my eyes.

The morning hoe

"RISE AND SHINE BITCH!!" (Y/N) yells. 'Fuck' I thought. I roll over seeing (Y/N) smiling at me.
"Morning" I say lovingly. "What do you want for brea-" A knock interrupted her question. She groaned walking over to the door, opening it. She looked surprised.
(Y/N)'s P.O.V
I opened the door to be greeted with Wyatt. He was dressed up nicely with a button up t-shirt and jeans with nikes (idkkk) In his hands were beautiful roses. I smile at him awkwardly.
"Wyatt, hey" I say awkwardly. He smiles.
"Hi (Y/N)" He grabbed my hand and kissed it. "These are for you" Wyatt handed me the beautiful roses.
"Are you busy today?" He asks. I go red in the face.
"Not really" i said.
"Do you wanna go out with me today? Go to the park or whatever" He said sweetly. I didn't want to break this boys heart or Jacks.
"How about later in the day? I am quite busy now sorry" i smile. He nods.
"Sure how about 12pm?" I look at the time on my phone. 8am. I smile.
"Sure Wyatt, see ya soon" He blushes.
"B-bye" I close the door hearing a yes. I laugh. I turn around seeing an angry Jack.
"What?" I say confuse. He grumbles. "You are not going with Wyatt" "oh yes i am" i spat. "He made a lovely gesture and I don't wanna hurt his feelings" Jack's face saddens. "If I kiss you, can i go?" He perks up and nods violently. I giggles putting my arms around his neck, kissing him passionately. The kiss last about 4 seconds. I pull away, with Jack blushing.
"Now you can go :))))"
Hey guys sorry for the wait i tried to make this as long as possible 💕 thank you all for 100 followers, i love you guys 💗💖💞💕💞💗💓

~Fucktard~ Jack Dylan Grazer x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now