Chapter Four~Bubble Gum

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(Y/N) P.O.V.

Lol dumb bitch, like I'd give the hoodie back. I mean he's got mine soooooo. He frowned at Wyatt and I holding hands. Probably thinks we're in a relationship.... I do like Wyatt though. He's caring and funny. I love his hair the most. But I don't if I like him, in a 'lovey-dovey' way. Life is so complicated. EVeryone waits for someone to break the silence. Jack speaks up.

(pLaY sOnG)

"So I broke up with Ellie..." Everyone smiles. Ellie was a bitch and a buzzkill.

"Holy shit grazer, you did something smart for once" I snicker at my comment. He glares at me then smiles.

"Whatever, at least I was in a relationship" He smirks. I try to think of something then, a dumb, but an amazing idea, popped in my hair ( wtf I meant head).

"Bitch, I'm with Wyatt'' I smirk. His smirk turns into a frown, while Wyatt is smiling away.

"Yeah since she came over to my house" Everyone but Jack, fangirl. I laugh my ass off. Jack is still frowning.

"Eat shit Grazer" I laugh.

''Ugh can you shut the fuck up for once, god!" With that, he left.

JaCk's P.O.V

Fuck that shit. I broke up with my girlfriend just to see (Y/N) with Wyatt. Fuck them all. I start to walk home, the wind blowing my hair. I put the hood over my head. Life is so complicated. My phone buzzes, It's (Y/N).

Ugly😈: Hey Frecklesssssssssssss

Jackthetard: what!!!!!!!

  Ugly😈: sorry

Jackthetard: what????????

Ugly😈: Wyatt and I aren't dating

Jackthetard: oh

Ugly😈: Yeah

Jackthetard: um wyd

Ugly😈: I'm at Finns house dickhead

Jackthetard: okay

Ugly😈: talk 2 u soon :)

Jackthetard: yeah :))

Ugly😈: tf

Jackthetard: shit srry

Ugly😈: um bye

Jackthetard: bye hoe

Ugly😈: >:(

Jackthetard: tryna keep the convo going

Ugly😈: Bye Freckles

Jackthetard: Bye ugly.

I don't know what to do. I think I should stop thinking about her. Like what if Wyatt and (Y/N) are together?.


this story is esculating (idk) to fast. Sorry this is cringe.


~Fucktard~ Jack Dylan Grazer x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now