Chapter Eight~ Softie

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"Hey my dearest I have to go :)" Finn said with his face right up to the screen.

"Okay bubba byeee!" I shout and wave. He waves back and ends the call. I place my phone down and look at Jack.

"You good?" I ask him. He smiles softly at the bed.

"Yeah" We just sat there gazing at stuff in the room. Until our eyes met. Jack smiled again, taking my hand. My face heats up. There were butterflies in my stomach.

"Do you hate me?" He said nervously. It took time for me to take in his question.

"Well no, I never did" I said. Just then tears burst from his eyes. I looked at him confused.

'Do I hug him??' I thought to myself. Before i could even react he hugged me. I could feel my right shoulder getting wet. I hug him back and asked.

"Why are you crying?"

He broke the hug with both of his hands on my shoulders.

"I don't deserve to be staying here. I'm a huge dick. I held you by the collar, threw you down the ground, crop and blur photos of you when its a group photo, called you a hoe, ugly and bully the shit outta you.... I'm so sorry" He hugged me back, squeezing me.

"Freck- er Jack, I don't care about that. In any possible way I forgive you. You don't need to cry about it" I said smiling. Just then out of the fucking blue....

Jack kissed me

I was taken back. My couldn't produce what's happening. Either way I kiss him back. My arms around his neck, playing with hair. Before anything else could happen, i got a text for Wyatt. I broke the kiss groaning. Both of our faces were red.

Wyeet 🤟: heyyy wat doing
(Y/N) 🐀✨: nothing. I was kinda of in the middle of something.
Wyeet 🤟: oop- well i just wanted to ask you something.
(Y/N) 🐀✨: yeah?
Wyeet 🤟: do you wanna go out this Saturday??

My eyes widen. I show Jack my phone. He clenched his jaw.

"What do I say??" I say nervously.

"Pass me you your phone" He said holding his hand out.

Hey guys this was a cringe chapter. Sorry lmao

~Fucktard~ Jack Dylan Grazer x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now