Chapter One~ Freckle Face

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🏃‍♀️!!!!I WAS 11 WHEN I WROTE THIS,,,, SO UH YEAH THATS WHY Y'ALL GO SO MF FAST ALS IDEK HOW THIS BOOK GOT POP LMAOAOA (ALSO IGE NEVER EDITED THIS CHAP SO LOL)!!!!!! bruhh i threw so much shade at ellie omg i forgot she was in this book, i honestly dont mind her anymore lol. also im not a jack supporter anymore bc yuh i🏃‍♀️


i wass 11 when i wrote this okay? i havent since read this story of it being to embarrassing to glance at. how i portrayed everyone in this story was horrible. it was disgusting how i made ellie such a snake and jack an asshole (which is now proven) im sorry for the way this book has come. I was young and stupid inlove with a problematic rat. the fact i even tried suggesting smut. this was 2 years ago and im very sorry. i do not want to edit any of this bc i cant handle the fact of being embarrassed. jack dylan grazer is sick in the head. anyone still supporting him/defending him please gtfo of my traphouse. hes an unfunny imbecile that has treated women like shit. this story is very confusing and its stupid. reason i haven't take this down is bc it is my biggest story viewed (which sounds really selfish and i dont wanna offend cylia or anyone) im sorry for how this story is layed out. 



"Mole rat"

"Could you guys sHuT uP for once!!!'' Wyatt says clearly annoyed.

''Sorry Wyatt but, freckle face over here is being a complete shit!'' I say glaring at Jack.

''You and Jack are both complete shits!'' Finn said joining the argument.

Jack and I look at each other in disgust.

"You're so fucking ugly, ya know" Jack says, earning a huge smack on the head by Jaeden
"What the hell was that for!?" Jack says really pissed.

"For calling (Y/N) ugly. She really insecure" Jaeden said whispering at the end.

"Well she should be, no guy would date her ugly ass" Jack said pointing at me.
I can feel tears coming up, but i hold them in to show jack i ain't no pussy.

"I would date her" Wyatt mumbles.
Everyone looks at him. Finn smirks, I blush, Jaeden silently fan girls, Wyatt blushes (like that bois corrupted) And Jack looks pissed off.

"Thanks Wy" I say genuinely happy.

"No problem, JACKass doesn't understand true beauty"

"So thats why he's dating Ellie" I say snickering .

"Shut the fuck up you slut! Don't say anything about my girlfriend!!!" (Kinda went far with that sorry) Jack says grabbing me by the collar of my (F/C) shirt.

"dUdE, let go of her!" Finn says.

"Fine" He throws me on the ground and scoffs.
He sits on the couch and breaths really loud.

Wyatt runs over to me, cupping my face. Checking any spots for bruises, cuts, etc.
"Wyatt I'm f-"
He kisses me. With passion and worry. I pull away.

"Oh wow, i get all pissed off and you two are sucking face" Freckles says.

"Shut the fuck up Fred Savage" I say.


First chapter..wowie.
Okay bai

~Fucktard~ Jack Dylan Grazer x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now