Chapter Ten~ Catching The Wrong Kind Of Feels

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(A/N: Before we start I want to point out you guys are all 16 currently recording It chapter 2. You also have a guardian but they work late af sooo. I hope this made this story more detailed about whats going on. Also! Should i do a smut? Like a little bit or a ton. Idk. If y'all nasty's want one just comment or text me. Peace)

It was 11:54. I was dressed in a Rolling Stones shirt with Jack's hoodie on. I slipped on some blue jeans and black and white sneakers. #basicbitch. I ran up to the bathroom and took a mirror selfie (🤷🏻‍♀️) Jack came upstairs with a smirk.

"Nice hoodie flamer" Jack said hugging me from behind. I laughed turning around with him still gripping me.

"Why thank you Jackson" I said adjusting the strings of the hoodie. He smiles. I check my phone and its 12pm. I groan.
"I have to go, you can stay if you'd like. Bye Freckles" I kiss his check and dash off. I quickly texted Wyatt to see where we were heading.

(Y/N) 🐀: Heyo Wy Wy where are we meeting?
Wyeet 🤟: Hey cutes, we're meeting at the park across from that big lake.
(Y/N) 🐀: oh yep kk see ya soon wyyyyy
Wyeet 🤟: byeeee 💖

This kid is so strange. Like cute strange. Oh shit. No (Y/N) Wyatt is just your best friend. Ughhh. I walk down to the park. It wasn't that long like a 6 minute walk.
// time skip cause i am a ugly, boring bitch \\
I show up at the park to be greeted with a happy Wyatt.
"Hey cutes" He hugs me tightly. I hug him back. We stay there for a moment, then he let go. "You wanna go for a walk?" He asks. "Sure" I reply.

We start walking down this concrete path. It was quite windy but overall today was beautiful. Families spending time with one other, Couples being cute together, dogs running about with their owners. Days like these make life great. Wyatt grabs my hand, blushing. I look at him and smile. I take it back. We walk down a concrete path hand in hand.

After a hour of walking, we find a bench to sit on. We both sit on it relaxing. About 5 minutes of silent Wyatt asks me something.
"U-uh (Y/N)" He says nervously. I hum a yes (something like that).
"I-i like y-you" He said. My eyes widen. Yeah it was probably obvious but like tf. I just sat there. What if Jack gets upset up this???? Shit! Wyatt looks at me sadly. Wyatt and I have kissed like 2 times. I don't wanna break his heart. I looked at him and smiled.
"I like you too" I whisper. His eyes widen and he gets up. He starts to cheer and dance.
I just look at him and admire him. Oh god what have I gotten myself into.

Hey guys, so uh THANK YOU FOR FUCKING 5k VIEWSSSSSSSSSS 💓💓💞💕 i appreciate so much. Thank uuuuu. Also i just wanted to remind you that I can't post a chapter almost everyday. Its hard for me cause of school and shit. So i'm not always active. Sorry if i haven't been updating this story. 💗💖💕💖💓💖💗 ur proba mad of me cause of Wyatt. Oof soz. But you and Jack will still do some stuff, if ya know what i mean 😏

~Fucktard~ Jack Dylan Grazer x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now