Welcome to Fairy Tail

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3rd person POV:

In the town of Magnolia, three characters arrived.

Misaki Heartfilia, a young woman and wizard who absolutely wishes to join the guild known as Fairy Tail.

Index the cat with the nun hat, companion to a member while being one herself.

Last but not least, Touma Kamijou, the infamous slayer of illusions known throughout the world whose legend only grows by the day.

Touma:(mind) Oh man, what am I going to do?!

Touma:(mind) If I'm not careful, I'm going to end up hospitalized and not able to pay this month's rent!

Touma:(mind) Maybe I can convince the master to let me move back into the infirmary...

Touma:(mind) That would make life a lot easier...

Index: Hey, we're here!

Touma: Hm?

Misaki:(smile) Ah!

(Fairy Tail guild)

Misaki:(smiles) I can't believe I'm standing in front of the Fairy Tail guild!

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Misaki:(smiles) I can't believe I'm standing in front of the Fairy Tail guild!

Touma: Here's the plan... We're going to play it cool-


Index: WE'RE BACK!!

Said the kitty nun after slamming open the door.


(Opening theme)

With all eyes on the trio, specifically Touma, the illusion slayer was heavily on guard.


Misaki:(in awe)

Guild members: Welcome back Touma!

Touma: H-hey...

Misaki: Are you okay?

Touma: Yeah...(mumbles) for now...

Misaki: Come on, let's go make me a member!

Touma: Sure whatever, after you.

He said half hazardously as he looks around the hall with his guard fully up.

As he pushed Misaki forward like a riot shield, Touma watched out for certain members of the guild who would start a fight with him.

???: Did I hear right?! Touma's back!?

Touma: Oh no...

A half-naked blond man then jumped onto a table.

(Gray Fullbuster: The icey stripper)

A Certain Fairy Tail: The Illusion SlayerWhere stories live. Discover now