3rd person POV:
In the town of Magnolia, three characters arrived.
Misaki Heartfilia, a young woman and wizard who absolutely wishes to join the guild known as Fairy Tail.
Index the cat with the nun hat, companion to a member while being one herself.
Last but not least, Touma Kamijou, the infamous slayer of illusions known throughout the world whose legend only grows by the day.
Touma:(mind) Oh man, what am I going to do?!
Touma:(mind) If I'm not careful, I'm going to end up hospitalized and not able to pay this month's rent!
Touma:(mind) Maybe I can convince the master to let me move back into the infirmary...
Touma:(mind) That would make life a lot easier...
Index: Hey, we're here!
Touma: Hm?
Misaki:(smile) Ah!
(Fairy Tail guild)
Oops! This image does not follow our content guidelines. To continue publishing, please remove it or upload a different image. Misaki:(smiles) I can't believe I'm standing in front of the Fairy Tail guild!
Touma: Here's the plan... We're going to play it cool-
Index: WE'RE BACK!!
Said the kitty nun after slamming open the door.
(Opening theme)
With all eyes on the trio, specifically Touma, the illusion slayer was heavily on guard.Touma:...
Misaki:(in awe)
Guild members: Welcome back Touma!
Touma: H-hey...
Misaki: Are you okay?
Touma: Yeah...(mumbles) for now...
Misaki: Come on, let's go make me a member!
Touma: Sure whatever, after you.
He said half hazardously as he looks around the hall with his guard fully up.
As he pushed Misaki forward like a riot shield, Touma watched out for certain members of the guild who would start a fight with him.
???: Did I hear right?! Touma's back!?
Touma: Oh no...
A half-naked blond man then jumped onto a table.
(Gray Fullbuster: The icey stripper)

A Certain Fairy Tail: The Illusion Slayer
FanficIn a magical world filled with mages of all kinds, there are guilds to give jobs to the mages. And the strongest guild of them all is called "Fairy Tail". Rumor has it, that one of the most powerful mages of the current generation resides there. He...