Fairy games: part 3

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3rd person POV:

In a church, Misaka, in her adult form, patiently waited for someone to arrive.



Misaka: Heh... It's about time someone came...

Hearing the doors to the church creak open, Misaka turned to see which of the fairies managed to get here first.

Misaka: You?

Mystogan walked up to Misaka.

Misaka: I thought you left.

Mystogan: I did... But sensing all this magic in the air, I figured I'd come back to see if everything was alright.

Mystogan: Now what is this about, Misaka.

Misaka: Nothing much, just making sure the guild survives.

Mystogan: By filling the town with traps that harm and force our guildmates to fight?

Misaka: The strong survive. That's how it works in nature, and it seems pretty effective.

Mystogan: How will the guild survive, if you get most of the members killed.

Misaka: They won't die. Just get kicked out. You see, other guilds are on the rise while Fairy Tail is on the decline.

Misaka: Got to do what I can to keep the guild alive...

Mystogan: This is foolish... End this immediately or I'll be forced to fight you.

Misaka: Mystogan... That's exactly what I want.

She says while electricity begins sparking off her body.

As that happens, Mystogan pulls out one of the many magical staffs on his back.

The two S-class wizards charge at one another.

(Opening theme)

Standing in front of Uiharu was Mirajane in her Satan soul transformation.


Emitting magical power, Mirajane grabs Uiharu by the collar and lifts her up.

Mirajane: That is enough fighting. If you dare continue this, I shall destroy you.

Mirajane: Everything you have, everything you are, I obliterate off the face of the world.

Mirajane; There will be no trace of you. Not even a speck of dust will be found.

Miranane: Do I make myself absolutely clear?!


Mirajane: Good.

The she-devil then slams Uiharu into the ground so hard, it creates a crater. The strategist of the thunder legion is then knocked unconscious.

Mirajane: Now for Misaka-

Out of practice, Mirajane reverts back into her normal form.

Mirajane: Of course... As Touma would say... Such misfortune...


Several Fairy tail members were up against a girl with long black hair and a baseball bat.

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