Third day surprise

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3rd person POV:

Deep in the catacombs under the city, Kamijou and his familial companions after going around in circles for a few hours, got the fifth sage of magic to reveal themselves.

Anna sauntered into view.

Anna: I have to ask... Since when have there been two of you?

Anna: One competing in the Grand Magic Games, while you here aimlessly wander with two girls.

Kamijou: He's near, huh? Good to know.

Alexia: Who the hell is this?

Kamijou: She the fifth sage of magic and a member of the magic council.

Kamijou: We had an encounter once where she tried to buy Imagine Breaker...then take it by force when she was refused.

Anna: Why thank you for putting it so kindly.

Kamijou: Well I thought it would be best if you ruined your first impression yourself.

Tora: Is a fight going to break out?

Kamijou: I'd like to avoid one, but with my luck...

Kamijou: On the bright side... I think we can make a new sage.

(Opening theme)

It was the third day of the Grand Magic Games and the next game of the day was about to be chosen.

Announcer: The next game is...... Castlevania!

Announcer: In a castle with 100 monsters, each contestant will have 5 minutes to kill as many monsters as they want.

Announcer: But they must choose how many before entering. Failing to kill as many as they said they would, will result in zero points.

Announcer; And can no longer compete in this game.

Announcer: Succeed and every 10 kills will give your team 1 point, and after everyone has had a chance and there are still monsters inside, you can go again.

Announcer: Now let's get this party started!

The teams sent down their competitor.

The S-team put out Guildarts, while Team Touma placed forward their Queen of Fairies, Erza.

Based on their names, the order was chosen, leading to Erza going first.

Announcer: It's the queen of the fairies herself! Tell us, how many will you battle first?

Erza: All of them.


Announcer: Uhh... A-are you-

Erza: Did I stutter?

Announcer: N-no...

Erza: Then give me all of them.

Announcer: Okay...

A castle then appeared in the middle of the arena.

(Erza's theme)

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