Falling out the tournament

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3rd person POV:

Thor and Rouge charged towards Gajeel and Touma, both sides powering up an attack.

Meeting in the middle the four slayers crash their mighty powers together.

With a shockwave that the audience felt even though the wizards were deep below them, the whole stadium rumbled.

All the arcane devices were used to help show the audience what was happening were blinded by the attack leaving no one capable of physically seeing what occurred.

Hearing the crumbling of stone, when the light died down everyone found a hole which now went straight through the stadium down to the mines of the kingdom down below.




Announcer: It's a tie!

Everyone: EHHHHHH!?

(Opening theme)

Near the entrance to the mines, Thor and Rouge woke up from getting knocked unconscious by Gajeel and Touma.

Touma was now fully encased in his dragon shell.

(Draco breaker infection: 100%)

(Draco breaker infection: 100%)

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Thor: Shit... Did we lose?

Gajeel: Your attacks bounced off of dragon boys dragon skin, back towards you.

Rouge: We were reckless...

Thor: Won't happen next time.

Touma: Before that...

His voice echoed through their minds instead of vocally coming out.

Touma: You have something to tell me, don't you?

Thor: Don't you think there are more pressing issues?

Touma: Can't really do anything about that now, so let's just discuss what you have to tell me.

Touma: You're the slayers I'm looking for, aren't you?

Rouge: In a manner of speaking, yes.

Thor: We, you, Iron face over there, and Wendy... We all know each other. Or at least did...

Gajeel: What are you on about?

Thor: We're a team, from the past, sent to the future, to put an end to Othinus.

Rouge: However our trip here seems to have been rougher than expected. We were all separated.

Rouge: You three seem to have had it worse, as you lost your memories.

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