In a magical world filled with mages of all kinds, there are guilds to give jobs to the mages.
And the strongest guild of them all is called "Fairy Tail".
Rumor has it, that one of the most powerful mages of the current generation resides there.
Rouge and Thor get out of their beds, glaring at Touma with dirty looks.
Touma: What's wrong?
Rouge: You.
Touma: What?
Thor: Time to die!
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Touma: Are you serious right now?
Rouge/Thor: "Twin slayer blast"!
With a combined shadow and light attack fired towards him, Touma raises his Imagine Breaker, negating the deadliness, but the force was so powerful that he was launched through a wall, entering the room where Qliphah, Tora, and Alexia was.
Touma: Such Misfortune...
Alexia who stood over Touma then picked him up and threw him out the window.
Breaking his fall on a tree branch, Touma landed in the streets below.
Touma: What's going on!?
Othinus: HA HA HA!
Looking up, Touma watched as Othinus floated down from the sky.
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Othinus: Today... You'll taste my vengeance!
(Opening theme)
Touma: Othinus?
Othinus:(wicked grin)
Touma: Did you do something to Alexia and the others?
Othinus: I did much more than that.
Othinus: You're the enemy of magic... I simply made everyone realize that.