In a magical world filled with mages of all kinds, there are guilds to give jobs to the mages.
And the strongest guild of them all is called "Fairy Tail".
Rumor has it, that one of the most powerful mages of the current generation resides there.
Days later after Touma helped Acnologia reunite with his family, he awoke in the hospital which wasn't uncommon for him.
He received a lot of heartfelt apologies from all those who tried to kill him.
Especially from Index who cried for days in guilt.
Being taken back to the guild, with several new members.
The new members being Alexia, Tora, Qliphah, and even Othinus who had lost her memories much like Touma had.
Yn was offered, but he simply revealed himself to already be one.
Not being a people person, he would keep his distance from the guild.
The newest members kept close to two specific members. Touma and Mystogan who had most of their attention.
Othinus:(hugging Mystogan)
Alexia: So I'm the middle child!?
Qliphah: It explains everything.
Alexia: Shut up! I can be the oldest whenever I want!
Tora: S-so... What should I call you? Big Brother?
Mystogan: This is going to take some getting used to...
From that day onward, Mystogan was no longer a solo mage, with his family and sometimes Wendy accompanying him.
Present-day, Touma had dinner plans with Erza tonight as per their agreement during the Grand Magic Games.
But before he could deal with dinner he had to do a small interview with an accomplished journalist for the magazine that publishes his stories to the world, be it an exaggerated version of it.
This was "punishment" for ditching the rest of the games and a favor Touma did for the master so he may pay up his ever-growing hospital bills.
Journalist: Hello! Mister Illusion Slayer.
Touma: Hm?
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Touma: Hey...
Journalist: I won't be taking up much of your time since you're obviously still recovering.
Touma: Thanks.
Journalist: What the readers really want to know... What's your type of woman?
A certain set of women perked upon hearing this, however, the guild knew they wouldn't get much of an answer from him.
Touma: Hmm...
Guild:(mind) Is he actually thinking about it?
Touma: I think I like older sister types.
Misaka/Mirajane/Cana:(mind) I'm an older sister type...
Journalist: Can you give more details? What about height?