[Part 2] K.T.L.O.V.

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(Author's Note: What do you think of the new cover?

Also, yes the ending of Part 1 and the cover is for real, Dabi is being added to this story. A lot of you wanted him to be added and I found a role for him, just ignore what I said in the first chapter. No, I also won't delete it because getting the "Where's Dabi and Why no Dabi" comments have made my day repeatedly)

"So, You excited to see them again Touya?" Hawks asked. Currently he and Touya were flying back to Hawk's hero agency, where the 4 former squad mates would be reuniting.

"Them? I saw Izuku a few weeks ago." Touya said. Hawks stopped his flight and landed on the roof of a nearby building.

"Why didn't you tell us? We haven't seen the kid in 2 years." Keigo asked.

"That's not true. You saw her when you took down her father. You even had a little chase." Touya pointed out. Keigo turned pink and looked away.

"No? You didn't know that was her? OMG THAT"S PRICELESS!" Touya yelled falling over.

"Yeah ok, get your laughs out now." Keigo said. Touya wiped a tear from his eye and stood back up.

"The freshman out ran the seniors. I still remember the day we first met her." Touya said sticking his hand out. Keigo grabbed it and the two continued their fly.

"It was out of left field. Honestly we all gave her too much shit the first week." Keigo said.

Flashback (A.n I'm changing some ages so that it works better. Hawks and Dabi are 19, Miruko is 20)

Inside a classroom three adults sat at their table waiting for the teacher to show up. Rumi and Keigo were flirting and Touya was on his phone, his feet resting on a 4th chair. Not long after their teacher came in and grabbed their attention.

"Hey teach, how's it going?" Keigo asked.

"I'm fine, sad I have to come in for work but what can you do when the bills are due?" The Teacher shrugged.

"What's the extra chair for?" Rumi asked.

"You three are getting a new teammate." The Teacher said. All three stared at him in shock and silence.

"You can come in now." The Teacher said. In walked a girl with long brown hair, wearing a jean jacket, a pink crop-top, jeans, white gloves and some pink sneakers. She was very fit, not much muscle but she looked extremely agile. On her face was a mask, identical to the beak of a bird.

"Who is this? Your daughter?" Touya asked.

"Haha Mr. Todoroki. No this is Izuku Chisaki, your new teammate and classmate." The Teacher said.

"You're joking. She's 10." Rumi said.

"I'm 13 actually." Izuku spoke up.

"Did I ask?" Rumi asked. Izuku sighed and looked at the ground, thinking about how this wasn't going to be enjoyable.

"Ok that's enough. Like it or not, you three will be showing her the ropes. Your next mission is in a week and she'll be going along. You're expected to show her the ropes and to evaluate her, fairly. No sabotaging her chances or there will be consequences." Teacher said.

Izuku walked over to the chair Touya had his feet on and tried to pull it out. Touya kept his feet firm and the chair wouldn't budge. Izuku looked at Touya and he shook his head. She looked up at the others but their faces showed the same expression.

"Not my problem." Rumi said.

"Sorry bout them. They get cranky without their coffee." Keigo said. Izuku rolled her eyes and took off one of her gloves, causing the teacher to smile. She walked behind Touya and put her hand on the chair he was sitting in.

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