Promotion/ The Race

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(A.n I just want to apologize for my not updating this story and thank you readers for being patient. This will be a different kind of of chapter so please tell me what you think of the "promotion" part. Thanks again for waiting so long.)

"AND LAST BUT CERTAINLY NOT LEAST, CLASS 2-A" Present Mic yelled from the announcer's room. The star class made their way outside, causing the crowd to erupt in cheers. Though the crowd's cheers could probably be heard from space, the whispers from the other classes could be heard.

"Who's the new girl?"

"Wasn't she on the news?"

"Why is she in 2-A, she can't be that special."

Izumi turned to her sister, who was stretching away from everybody else. Izumi kept staring until a pink hand grabbed her shoulder.

"Your thinking about yesterday, aren't you?" Mina asked. Izumi nodded, not wanting to speak right now. Mina just pulled her girlfriend into a hug while patting her head. The other girls, who were watching, went to comfort Izumi. Izuku, who heard everything, simply went back to stretching.

Gym Gamma
(A.n Promotion starts here)

With the sports festival less than 24 hours away, the hero course ladies wanted to get some last minute training in. Though while approaching the gym, Jirou heard some unknown voices inside and came to a halt.

"What's wrong Jirou?" Shota asked.

"There are people inside, I don't recognize their voices." Jirou said. This caused the girls to approach the gym slowly. As they began to enter they noticed Izuku, however she wasn't alone.

Flying around the gym with what seemed like Angel wings was a small green haired boy while a girl with long blond and green hair was chasing another green haired boy, this time with black horns, wings and a tail. The girl seemed to be trying to attack the boy, however her strikes wouldn't connect.

"You guys never visit me, so why come now?" Izuku asked.

"You told us you had access to a U.A gym, did you think I wouldn't try it out." The girl said, still chasing her target. "COME HERE AND FIGHT, N.C"

"I'm here because they can't use the portal." N.C said dodging another punch from the girl. "If you can't hit me then you'll never be champion, Derieri."

The angel boy landed next to Izuku. "You know why I'm here, Solider."

The girls watching all paused to think.

'Solider?' They thought.

"I fine, Ark" Izuku said coldly, turning away from the boy.

"You're not fine, just let me heal you." Ark said flying in front of Izuku.

"There is nothing to heal." Izuku said. This answer seemed to annoy Ark. Suddenly a halo appeared above his head, shocking the girls. The halo flashed for a few seconds before a light scanned Izuku.

"Nullified pain receptors, lack of emotion, small stomach, reinforced skeleton, enhanced muscles, no memory of anybody before you left with your father, college level intellect, fluent in several languages and your combat abilities rival Bruce Lee and John Wick combined. And your only 17.

Time seemed to stop. N.C and Derieri stopped fighting, the girls all dropped their jaws, and Izumi was on the verge on tears. However Izuku seemed unfazed, so Ark continued.

"You don't get cold and you can't feel burns. You can walk out in a snowstorm in a tank-top and jeans and you'll be perfectly fine. Your fine with exploding your body parts and you feel no remorse doing it to others. The only emotion you've shown recently is boredom and compassion." Ark said.

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