Some matches, Izumi's plan

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"INTRODUCING FIRST, THE CINNAMON ROLL FROM CLASS 2-B, PONY TSUNOTORI!" Mic announced. Her friends laughed as a flushed Pony walked towards the fighting platform.

"Go get him cinnamon roll!" Kendo shouted. Pony looked down in embarrassment causing her friends to laugh some more.

"AND HER OPPONENT, [Insert electricity pun], DENKI KAMINARI!" Mic announced.

"Lets hope he doesn't cost himself the round this year." Aizawa  followed up. Kirishima and Sero started dying of laughter and Bakugo let out a small chuckle. This was caught by Todoroki who mentioned it aloud. Bakugo denied it and quickly looked away.

"So how do you think it's gonna go?" Tsu asked.

"I think Pony has this one. Kaminari has better control of his quirk compared to last year but Pony's control is on a whole nother level." Ochaco said receiving some nods.

"That may be true but Kaminari always seems to have a trick up his sleeve. Honestly I feel like we don't give him enough credit." Jirou said.

On Midnight's signal the first match began. Immediately Pony fired a beam from her horn, which Kaminari swiftly dodged. The second years widened their eyes in shock.

"That's new." Bakugo said.

"Yeah, when did he get so agile?" Mina asked. Pony continued to fire shots from her horn but Kaminari dodged every time, getting closer with each dodge. Soon he was only a few meters away from Pony.

'Time to strike' Kaminari thought. Quickly he charged at Pony, surprising a majority of the people watching. While running he charged some electricity in his hands. Pony kept firing her quirk however it grew pointless once he closed the distance. Pony tried switching to close combat however Kaminari already placed a charged up hand on Pony's neck, knocking her out cold.

"Pony Tsunotori is out cold, the winner is Denki Kaminari!" Midnight said.

"KAMINARI WINS!" Mic announced causing the crowd to cheer. Kaminari picked up Pony and walked off the arena getting a "awwww" from the crowd. Once he was gone Mic started to announce the next match.

R.G office

"I say not to give you the first match and of course you get the second match. Well nothing we can do about it now." R.G said while escorting Izuku to the entry way.

"I still don't see why this is nessacary." Izuku said. Her left arm was wrapped in bandages and was a little wet from an ice pack that was on her shoulder. "My way would've been a lot easier."

"Destroying your body and creating new limbs is not healing. Also from what I'm told it's very disturbing." R.G said.

"Yeah. Dad always hated when I did it. Got blood everywhere." Izuku said.

"That's another thing. I'm told that your... body is how it should be? I'm gonna have to give you an exam once your match is over." R.G said.

 Izuku sighed and shrugged. She never understood why people made a big deal out of it. So what if she didn't get hot or cold, or need a lot of food, or didn't feel pain, or could hold her breath longer than most people, or if her bones and muscles were stronger than average, or if she didn't need sleep. The author hasn't even explained that one yet.

R.G took Izuku's response with a bit of worry. From what she already knows about Izuku's lack of pain in response to blowing her body up, there was probably more to what was changed. However these thoughts would have to be tested later seeing as though they arrived at the entryway.

"Please be gentle with that arm." R.G said as she turned and walked off. 'Why do I feel as though I'm gonna get a lot more patients now that this girl is here.'

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