Healing(Almost time for the tournament)

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The girls were currently on their way to R.G's office. Izuku didn't know why they were following her, but she didn't care enough to ask. Izuku didn't even know why she wasn't allowed to fix herself. It saved a lot of time so why couldn't she do it herself.

"ZUZU!" A voice called out. Izuku and the rest turned to see Camie running down the hallway. She tackled Izuku in a hug, who disnt flinch from Camie squeezing her very damaged arm.

"Oh, a hi Cam." Izuku said with a lack of enthusiasm I'm her voice.

"Are you ok? I saw the fall, your not hurt are you?" Camie asked, looking Izuku in her eyes.

"I'm fine. You know I don't get hurt." Izuku said the girls beside her could sense how awkward this for Izuku. At that moment Camie noticed the unfamiliar feeling of Izuku's left arm. Then she took a look at it.

A unholy scream was heard from Camie. The girls covered their ears(Jirou practically passed out) and Izuku just looked down.

"You Are Not Fine! Your arm looks like a fucking boomerang and you're completely nonchalant. At least pretend it hurts." Camie said. Some of the girls stifled a laugh at the way Camie lectured Izuku. The taller girl seemingly shrunk as she was being lectured by her girlfriend.

"You need to get yourself healed immediately." Camie said. At that moment Izuku tried lifting her right hand towards her arm but Camie was having no of it.

"NO. Your gonna get yourself healed the right way. U.A has one of the best, if not, the best medical heroes employed and your choose blow your arm up." Camie said.

"But it's-"

"No buts! You are gonna get R.G to heal you and that's final! And if you don't, I will find out and you know what will happen when I do." Camie said walking off. Once she was gone the girls stared laughing.

Izumi placed her hand on Izuku's shoulder. "Do you still have doubts?"

"I don't know. I don't know what I'm feeling right now." Izuku answered. For a moment a sad look appeared on her face, however it was only a moment.

Izumi, who wasn't expecting a response, hesitated to reply. None of the girls knew what to say. However they didn't have time to figure it out since Izuku started walking off to the nurses office. Once they arrived they didn't expect to see majority of the teachers waiting inside.

"Oh dear, sit down." R.G said pulling Izuku by the good arm. Izuku sat down on the bed as R.G went to grab her stool. With some difficulty Izuku managed to put her gloves back on.

"Oh my, this is quite the injury. How did this happen?" R.G asked.

"I hit the wall a little too hard. Though i'm fine." Izuku said. Proving her point she popped her shoulder back in place.

"This isn't your first major injury is it?" Midnight asked.

"Nope. Far from it." Izuku said. She began to lift her arm up and down, examining the injury. This action surprised the adults.

"Are, are you not in pain?" R.G asked.

"Can't remember the last time I was." Izuku said. Now the adults were worried. Izumi handed Nezu a note and walked out of the room. Nezu read the not and widen his eyes in shock.

"So, how do you heal people?" Izuku asked.

"Oh I kiss them. The injury gets healed but they get tired depending on how severe. An injury like this will make you extremely tired so ready yourself." R.G said.

"Why don't I just heal myself." Izuku asked. Suddenly her phone buzzed, signaling a notification.

Cam: You better not

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